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  • @jeffacubed


    Hi @arbolife any chance you even vaguely remember what you did to get new user activation email being sent out when using WPML + BuddyPress? Like you, everything works 100% correctly on the ‘English’ side when new users register, requests membership for a private BP group, logs-in, etc – BUT if a user registers on the french registration page (fr/register/) they never get any emails (I they are foever listed as “pending” in the user area). I’ve also noticed that no emails (outgoing) get triggered if an existing user switches to the /fr/ side & tries to join a private BuddyPress group. Trying to access the /fr/wp-login.php page (or the password reset) from the /fr/ side will also trigger a 404 page. So, like you mentioned, it’s a setting “somewhere” in WPML to resolve these (many) anomalies, but for whatever reason, I can’t see to find the resolution!

    My test setup:

    WP: 3.7.4
    BP: 2.8.2
    WPML: 3.7.0
    BuddyPress WPML Plugin:




    I’m in exactly in the same boat as @kamillamonkey on this one – “It wont change it from the DEFAULT ROLE set in WordPress/Settings/General/New User Default Role [Subscriber].”

    I can go in after a new user registers and ‘manually’ switch the user role, but alas, at least for me, I’m not getting the roles assigned based on the user_roles & cases as outlined above when they register.

    I’m using BuddyPress 2.0.1 & WordPress 3.9.1

    Seems odd that the new user role would not be assigned, as the tutorial/code in @noizeburger ‘s example looks very solid! Any chance this has to do with something new/recent in BuddyPress 2.0.1?




    I can also confirm that @k8peterson ‘s elegant solution to change:




    works with a child-themes header.php for Elegant Themes (in my case, a child-theme of Divi) in resolving the ‘missing argument 2 & missing argument 3’ error(s) relative to the page_title $variables. I’m not 100% of any negative/unexpected implications of doing this in ET – but I’ll keep my eyes open to any ‘unexpected spooky weirdness’. I’ll share a note about k8peterson’s fix for bp w/ Elegant Themes in the ET’s user-forums.



    Whoa – great question/post @mcgrafx!

    I’ve spent the better part of the past ~ 14 months doing:

    1. Customized, professional child theme designs for Buddypress (The design takes the most time) √
    2. Many levels of membership (some paid, some free) √
    3. Many++ sleepless nights to do points 1 & 2 (on WordPress multisite + Buddypress + bbPress)

    Many of the issues you’ve mentioned, particularly the contracts/fees/maintenance are issues I’ve struggled with in the past, and to a certain extent still do with some clients/projects. I’ll re-read this closer next week, but one thing, only based on my own experience working with buddypress & bbPress w/ clients is that anything involving buddypress (particularly with any full-design customization w/ child themes &/or custom plugin/functionality development as you’ve mentioned) is a ‘significant’ commitment of time + resources on both sides of the table. In my experience, very little happens along the path to ‘outside-the-box-customization’ auto-magically with buddypress! If it were me, I’d ask for 1. a retainer 2. a monthly or yearly mutually-binding contract (depending on the scope/scale – with separate parts for developing the site + future-maintenance ). You could also think about 3. a percentage of future revenue, but that might be more closely tied with being a co-founder & could basically dilute the potential for points 1 & 2.

    Still, a great & difficult question – good luck!




    Awesome suggestion @modemlooper √ I’ve been meaning to test out bp 1.7 + bbp 2.3 on a multisite-dev_site, so now’s the time. I’ll let you know what I discover/uncover.

    Thx again,



    Hi Brajesh,

    Well, thank you so much! That little piece of ‘magic-code’ accomplishes exactly what I was hoping to do in controlling the default landing-tab for individual groups. A very welcome addition to my bp-custom.php file.

    “Give the world the best you have, and the best will come to you.” Indeed √

    Your piece of code becomes a key control lever in my latest buddypress open-innovation + collaboration project – thanks again!

    -Jeff (Arsenault)
    Vancouver, Canada

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