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I tried to redirect my subdomain registration page on [multsite] to the main domain site registration page. I used the following code in my child theme functions.php for the site which I want to redirect its registration page:
//redirect to the registration page function MyRedirect() { if(is_page('register')) { wp_redirect( '', 301 ); exit; } } add_action('template_redirect','MyRedirect');
Interestingly, the above code did not work, .htaccess is not working as well. I am, for sure, missing something but I don’t know what! .htaccess code is:
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^sub\.domain\.com$ RewriteRule ^register/(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
Any help from you is highly appreciated as I am really stuck in this.
Thanks in advance for all of you specially: @djpaul , @boonebgorges , @henrywright , @r-a-y , @danbp , @modemlooper , @imath , @shanebp .
This worked. Thanks!
Any help? Please
Any help?
Thanks! For the first question, when can a user re register again?
mercime and @hnla I would appreciate any insights from your part as I need to finish my project and buddypress groups page is reading the home page customized styles.
Hi, it looks that reads the styles of the home page, it also copies every customization I have done to the home page. For example, I changed the background of the home page to black, the group page also went black. Any help with this regard?
Any help … Anyone
Thank you for posting this. It did not work for me. I should have mentioned that I am using multisite.
This doesn’t help.
Do you believe that I deleted all the users (including me admin) using this reference and I do still see that the members are 2!!
Weird… So weird.
I found something about this, see: the way, I followed the steps above and I have it in my database a:0{…some content ….}. I have not changed anything. What do you think?
When I refresh (CTRL + F5) it stays. It doesn’t go away.
No. You are right. I do apologies.
No, I am testing as a user. Please check at your end.
Is there anyway to achieve this without a plugin?
Try to disable ALL plugins and if problem persists you need to check codes you added to your child theme functions.php (if any)
In other way, I will be using this code for the whole site except login widgets (like BBpress log in sidebar widget):
function jessicana_redirect_page( $redirect_to, $request, $user ) { $redirect_to = bp_core_get_user_domain($user->ID) . 'notifications/'; return $redirect_to; } add_filter('login_redirect', 'jessicana_redirect_page', 11, 3);
For widgets, I need a different function that redirects to the same page where users logs from. Is this possible?
I appreciate the help
One more question. What if I want users who logs in using the sidebar widget to return to the same page where they were while I want users who logs in using homepage link to be directed to their notifications page?
This is a killer code
Yes it worked darlingThis did not work. It simply redirects to: Error page
Well, if I am customizing a theme using a child theme, do I have to use these media queries before each element I am changing or editing? Will one media query at the begging get this job done?
Inside bp-legacy we have three folders and one file:
The folders are:
1) buddypress
2) css
3) js
The file is buddypress-functions.php.Buddypress folder contains (activity, blogs, forums, groups, members).
The path you specified doesn’t exist in my directory listing. When I follow your link I get (Failed to retrieve directory listing).
This is really useful! So let’s make this based on ftp url’s to confirm our understanding. If (buddypress.js) path is:
and I want to edit this in my child theme, I have to create js folder inside my child theme. The path will be:
Inside the js folder in the child theme directory I will copy and past buddypress.js there and edit it at my convenience. The updates will not affect this file, do I ever have to worry about updating this?Regarding buddypress CSS, do I have to create a folder for Buddress like this one: your-child-theme/css/buddypress.css to style buddypress? or I can add this to the style.css in the child theme directory? what is the best practice?
If I want to make updates to buddypress CSS for desktops and get rid of those updates (styles) on the ipad and phones to keep on responsiveness. What do you suggest I do?
Well, I tried and it didn’t work. I can see what I added to the CSS when I inspect an element and I see the following:
1) I can see the code I added but it’s strikedout:
#buddypress #whats-new-options { overflow: fixed; height: 60; }
Check this picture:
2) I can see that the original code is still there and is still valid:
#buddypress #whats-new-options { overflow: auto; height: 0; }
3) There is a tic beside the [overflow: auto;], when I remove that tick using inspect element everything works just perfect.
4) I added to the child theme directory folder and inside that folder I added [buddypress.js] file and I adjusted the height to 60 instead of 20 and 40 for them all inside that buddypress.js.
This didn’t work because I miss from where the [overflow: auto;] is reading their auto and why I can’t change it to fix.
The 60 is just a hypothetical number to see if things work but things are not working.