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  • @jgob



    You can use the code from buddydev. You just have to change one single thing

    //filter on pre_user_query
    add_action( 'pre_user_query', 'devb_exclude_loggedin_user', 201 );
    function devb_exclude_loggedin_user( $query ) {
        // code below we do not need
        //don't modify the query if the user is not logged in
        // if ( !is_user_logged_in() )
        //    return;
        //do not hide users inside the admin
        if ( is_admin() && !defined('DOING_AJAX') )
        $qv = $query->query_vars;
        global $wpdb;
        //hide little change at the end of the query.I changed it to user_id : 1
        // but userID can be anything. I chose 1 because that is my admin user_id
        $query->query_where .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->users}.ID !=%d ", 1 );



    confirmed. it works.

    On a side note. When I change the password of a user on the admin side of WP, it doesn’t make use of bp_email? How can I make use of bp_email and the nice format when changing emails?

    Anyway, thanks a bunch ! 🙂



    I also try to play a bit with available filters, the one below is also not working.

    add_filter( 'bp_email_set_from', 'mijnmeel1',10,4);
    function mijnmeel1( $from, $email_address, $name, $this ) {
        dd($from);  // dd = kint debugger

    I am using these functions in my own plugin.



    I am running :

    PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14 (cli)

    The function is not called at all. I tried to change add_action into add_filter, also that didn’t do anything.



    Hi Danbp, WAUW thats a goldmine ! many thanks for that link 🙂

    Regarding the 2nd url, thats not what I am after. It brings me a bit closer to my goal though.

    Anyway, thanks a bunch Danbp, especially for hookr 🙂





    seriously, there is no other way? 🙁 I was hoping to find a plugin that would allow me to create a welcome page after registration



    I suspected I needed a plugin but wasn’t sure. thanks 🙂



    Thanks so far.

    I am using latest version of WordPress and Latest of Buddypress

    Lets forget about css for now, I think I need to redo how activity stream is generating the html. If I want to get done as in my example (1st post) then I need to generate my own HTML. I am considering writing my own plugin to make it do what I want..

    What buddypress filter can I use to adjust the html below?

    <div class="activity-inner">
    <p>Si quicquam extra virtutem habeatur in bonis. Qua ex cognitione facilior facta est investigatio rerum occultissimarum. Tum ille timide vel potius verecunde: Facio, inquit.</p>
    <p>Videmus igitur ut conquiescere ne […]<img src="http://somewebsite/wannabe/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Unknown.jpg"></p>



    Am I the only one with this question?? 🙂



    Did anyone give it a try to program an extensive role / membership based API for BP? Perhaps this should be a BP core ‘thingy’.

    Its a bit frustrating now that once a plugin is installed and made available, it is available for all registered users, unless the plugin comes with its own way to restrict its usage.



    Thanks danbp, it looks like a solution. But what happens when BP is updated?

    I am not very well versed in WP and BP hooks and etc. But can that piece of code be put in a plugin instead of changing php files?


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