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John Teague

About Me

I care about what I code, and how my applications impact others. I am a driver with a purpose, who was fortunate to have been able to travel and in many countries. After years of working for large companies, I shucked it all. House, cars, stuff, and started my own VIP managed hosting and site application development company. My wife and I are working on building our first Tiny House on Water, and we are Involved in several non-profits focused on environment, education, and health issues. Life is good. When it’s not, I let people know about it 🙂

Website URL

Current Location

Minneapolis, MN US

WordPress Origin Story

I installed my first instance of WordPress when version 1.2 was released. I could see the potential and vision being put into it, and it made for a nice blog site for my personal online writing.

Not long after, I went to work as a web developer for a small college IT department. And we adopted WordPress as a means for professors to interact in a more modern direct way with other faculty and students.

In fact, I like to think of our work there as a very early example of E-Learning because I wrote plugins that adapted ways to create group discussions on focused topics with doc attachments.

WordPress does so many things so well, and I want to get more directly involved in keeping the lead developers focused on innovating and moving forward.



Theme Surgeons LLC

Job Title

Founder and Chief Constructive Surgeon


Innovation, creating new things that make peoples lives better. Voracious developer of WordPress and Django based software solutions. Lover of Linux when Linus was just a newbie. Avid reader and writer of history. Change agent (scary, I know).

WordPress Usage

Personal, Business

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