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  • @johnhorniblow


    and following the unsuccessful plugin update . I can’t view the site anymore , as I get this Fatal error
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_page_title() in …../wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/header.php on line 9

    where do I start ? update-notification.php or somewhere in a config ?

    any ideas, anybody? there appears to be no documentation or other troubleshooting threads surrounding this error.



    ok. cool , thanks Paul and HNLA..



    Hi, hnla, thanks for the advice . I will deactivate BP, I have ascertained that WP is working as I can create user accounts , publish etc ( no issues ) I had already created a php.ini with 20 mb, its single line of code reading as follows memory=20MB so I will go back through the plugins to see if there’s a conflict. Unless you think I need to increase the memory allocation. I am hosted on 1and1 , which has caused a few headaches in setting it up , that’s been corrected by adding the handlers into .htaccess as follows
    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
    AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php
    What I saw in the .htaccess was that W3 total cache plugin had written a lot code into it , as far as I can see its working.

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