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Pain in the joints is one of the four conditions of muscles and bones that often suffered. The disease is often considered trivial, but the pain can interfere with daily activities and can lead to disability.

Osteoarthritis occurs due to damage to the joint cartilage, the part that lines the ends of bones in joints that serves as a cushion when the two vertebrae to collide when the joint is moved.

Disease called this regular liming cantilever body attacks the joints like the knee joints, hips, waist, or neck. Clinical symptoms experienced by patients include joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and weakness of the joints.

According to data from the WHO in 2004, osteoarthritis or arthritis suffered by 151 million people around the world and reached 24 million people in Southeast Asia. In addition to reducing the quality of life of patients, the disease joint pain is also heavy demand on health spending as it makes the dependency on drugs and medical care.

This disease affects people who are prone to obesity due to excess weight will cause injury to the sealing joints in the knees and hips. Additionally, post-menopausal women and those who frequently exercise with a heavy load on knees also prone to arthritis.

Arthritis can be prevented by working alleviate the knee joint, which is a way to maintain weight, exercising regularly, and maintaining posture.

Currently, he also provided various types of supplements are claimed to minimize osteoarthritis disease and maintaining healthy joints. Most of these supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin. This supplement should be taken when conditions are still healthy joints.

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