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About Me

Hello there, I’m Joaquín! (aka Joki)

I am a Computer Engineer currently located in the lovely city of Zaragoza. I have more than 6 years of experience, including International experience, I’ve worked for several companies across Europe, both on site and as freelance. And I follow the best and latest practices on the market.

My primary area of expertise is Advanced PHP Development: Web applications, CMS, eCommerce, and bespoke PHP solutions. PHP Frameworks like WordPress, Magento, Laravel, Yii don’t have secrets for me.

I love coding from scratch, I tend to use only carefully selected libraries and tools to help my web development process.

Website URL

Current Location

Zaragoza, Spain

WordPress Origin Story

In 2005 I had a couple of blogs on Blogger for myself and for a football team. I heard a lot of good things about WordPress, and set up a test blog to check it out. It was great. I immediately changed the blog into WordPress, I’ve tried many different but I never looked back.

I agree that the way WordPress does not follow the best practices on the market nowadays, but It is robust and it allows you do your plugins and custom features in the right way (I meant OOP, SOLID, Design patterns, etc… 😉 )

Read my last WordPress posts! Link

I do a lot of WordPress plugin development, including the free ones hosted here on, as well as custom plugins for our clients. (If you are interested in a custom plugin, you can contact me contact me )


Job Title

FullStack and Lead Developer


Simple: Football, Beer & Coding.

WordPress Usage

Personal, Business

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