15 years, 4 months ago
Ok found the answer:
In bp-core.php change the ID inside
/* Define on which blog ID BuddyPress should run */
if ( !defined( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’ ) )
define( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 5 );
for the blog ID it should run on..
Thats it! ( Not found any problems yet )
Im not alone Did you already found a solution David?
@Djpaul can you help us with this?
this IS a support forum isent’t it?
Or are my questions that “out of the box”
Sorry was hoping to find some answers here since no where else there is good support for this ( irc channel is also starved )
@John James Jacoby
That would be nice, could you share some more insight on this? Im a developer myself and can do that. Thank you
Sorry about the double post!
Is this really that hard, that no one knows how to do this?
If i only want to move the /members directory to start with, what would be the steps to do that? Thank you