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Forum Replies Created

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  • @jsonb123


    I wanted an Ajaxified login along with removal of dashboard access and I’m using 2 plugins:
    Remove Dashboard Access
    Login With Ajax

    Login With Ajax also has a settings panel that allows you to redirect the users (globally or role based) upon login and logout, so it replaces the BP Redirect to Profile, as well, if you’re looking for that type of login functionality to go along with the redirect.

    BP Redirect to Profile doesn’t block wp-admin access in and of itself, it just redirects the user to their profile upon login, but doesn’t block the admin if they put the URL in directly.



    UPDATE: I just installed it online at You can access the forums at…I haven’t put the button in the navigation yet.

    I am still experiencing this problem…however I will not fix it here in case anyone wants to check it out. Just look at the topics I’ve posted in Groups on BuddyPress and the same topics reflected on the BBPress side at

    If no one responds to this in the next day or so though I’m going to put my crappy fix on it. Let me know if you want to poke around a bit on it, maybe I could set up a temporary FTP for just that folder so you can see my code.



    Okay, so it seems your content areas are stripping out my backslashes that I’m trying to show as an example, even with the code tag around them. :-(

    The first BBPress example should be:

    triple-backslashes for every single-backslashes that shows in my post above

    The one after my FIRST fix should show a single backslash before each of these characters ” ‘ and (back-slash character)



    Hey Rbn,

    I found an awesome tutorial that utilizes the Alpha 6 version of BBPress…not the latest one since no one can seem to get it working.

    Just follow those instructions EXACTLY and you’ll get the integration up and running.

    WPMU 2.7.1, BuddyPress 1.0 (current latest), and BBPress Alpha 6 (note, Chris posted a link for this download in the above tutorial since it is unavailable on the BBPress site…at least I can’t find it there.)



    Hey Rbn,

    I found an awesome tutorial that utilizes the Alpha 6 version of BBPress…not the latest one since no one can seem to get it working.

    Just follow those instructions EXACTLY and you’ll get the integration up and running.

    WPMU 2.7.1, BuddyPress 1.0 (current latest), and BBPress Alpha 6 (note, Chris posted a link for this download in the above tutorial since it is unavailable on the BBPress site…at least I can’t find it there.)



    Hey Rbn,

    I found an awesome tutorial that utilizes the Alpha 6 version of BBPress…not the latest one since no one can seem to get it working.

    Just follow those instructions EXACTLY and you’ll get the integration up and running.

    WPMU 2.7.1, BuddyPress 1.0 (current latest), and BBPress Alpha 6 (note, Chris posted a link for this download in the above tutorial since it is unavailable on the BBPress site…at least I can’t find it there.)



    I’m having slashes NOT being sripped on my BuddyPress side of things. Like if I name the BASE information in a persons profile to “settings” or ‘settings’ or setting’s…basically anything with a single or double-quote I get the crazy slashes all over the place.

    My PHP info reveals that

    magic_quotes_gpc On On

    magic_quotes_runtime Off Off

    magic_quotes_sybase Off Off

    Is this correct? And if not, how do I fix it?



    @Clueless: head on over to your wp-config.php file and comment out or erase the lines that read ‘define(‘…’);’ and save that file. Now log back into your back-end of WPMU and you’ll see that a note is at the top with newly generated values for ALL of these things.

    Now take those values and put them back into your wp-config.php file and save. Use those values for the cookies/salts for everything.

    Those are the values to use, hope that helps!



    Hmm… I have these same versions and after changing doing the cookie integration and getting everything “set up” I can no longer access the back-end of BBPress. My user is no longer the ‘key master’ or admin for BBPress.

    Let me break this down with some more detail, I really want to get this working! :-)

    Versions I’m using

    • WPMU 2.7.1
    • BuddyPress 1.0
    • bbpress-1.0-rc-1


    I got WPMU 2.7.1 and BuddyPress 1.0 installed fine so I’ll just skip that part entirely.

    • As directed from multiple sources about integrating BBPress, I erased the Authentication Unique Keys from wp-config and then proceeded to log into the WPMU back end where it presented me with newly genereated ones for: ‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘AUTH_KEY’, AUTH_SALT, LOGGED_IN_KEY LOGGED_IN_SALT SECURE_AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_SALT
    • I created a folder named ‘forums’ (I realize that this can be named whatever I want) and put all of the files from the BBPress 1.0 RC-1 in there.
    • I went through the install steps, filling out the database info but skipping the ‘Integrate with WordPress’ steps in order to do this later in the BBPress admin panel.
    • I get that all set up and go to the BBPress admin panel where I fill out the necessary info for integration with WordPress, sharing the same database, filling out the salts which are the same ones I used in wp-config.
    • I put define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/domain/forums/’); into my wp-config file as directed by BBPress instructions.
    • I also made sure that the AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, and LOGGED_IN_KEY in wp-config.php matched BB_AUTH_KEY, BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY and BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY in bb-config.php

    Now, after doing all that I headed back to the admin panel for BuddyPress and filled out the information for integration with BBPress there. Now, when I go to my BBPress forums page and log in as my admin account on BuddyPress/WPMU I am not the admin on BBPress and thus cannot access the back-end. This isn’t the only problem, although it is the main one. I also cannot get my groups on BuddyPress to generate a forum topic when I try to do so it gives an error and says that it couldn’t.

    I am going to attempt again with Trevor’s instructions but there are some fuzzy bits in there so I just want to make sure I’m attempting to do this correctly with the correct versions of WPMU, BuddyPress and BBPress. **Note that I cannot find any of the earlier Alphas on the BBPress site, so if I am using the wrong one…am I S.O.L.?

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