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  • @junger



    Yeah, I thought that might be the issue, but I tried the new default theme and it didn’t work.

    No issues with media uploading.

    Could be a plugin, though I think I’ve tested everything that involves JS.



    Just found a separate thread dealing with this issue, and it certainly seems to be BP related.

    If anyone else is having this issue, adjust code on your register.php file (around line 150) to


    <input type="hidden" name="signup_profile_field_ids" id="signup_profile_field_ids" value="” />


    See the whole thread here:



    @candy2012 just to clarify, the order of the fields should be


    <input type="hidden" name="signup_profile_field_ids" id="signup_profile_field_ids" value="” />


    It works great!



    @boonebgorges Any thoughts here? Could a recent BP or WP update have knocked out running multiple profile reg loops?



    Yeah, it’s just the bp-default theme and standard code.

    Here’s that file:

    It works totally fine to edit your profile data (it saves OK), but on registration it doesn’t.



    So, for some reason the data is being saved when there is only 1 profile group — when there were multiple, it was not working. However, this presents some issues with managing data that I’d really like to avoid.

    Why would multiple profile field groups cause this?



    Anybody experiencing this issue?

    When was the last time you looked to see if all your user info was being saved?



    I think I have this working, but came across a different issue preventing me from fully testing.

    Here’s the code I was working with…


    <label for="”>

    <input type="text" name="” id=”” >`



    Also, when I’m replacing `value=””` with `value=””` (using the correct field number) I’m blowing up registration.

    Did that happen to you?



    @xberserker — I’m looking for exactly the same thing.

    Were you able to get it to not put the text above the field box?




    Or … I could think of it as a profile field that updates everywhere when it’s updated. Analogies don’t make bugs in the product any less annoying.



    @techguy Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m hoping to avoid. Not because it wouldn’t work, but it just gets messy.

    It seems silly that a “universal” field like a profile field wouldn’t update it in all circumstances across user profiles. Why is that?



    Bump. Any thoughts on this?




    You are the man! Thank you for that. That works — and is WAY simpler than any other solution.



    Any thoughts?



    Bump. Have you ever dealt with this issue?






    Bueller … anyone?

    How can I pull a user ID in the header?



    Anyone? I know it can’t be this hard to pull the member user id in the header …



    PS – here’s the code I’m trying to use.



    Hi, I’m still seeing this issue. Not so much on the spam side, but I’ve got a field that is set to be required that isn’t actually required in order to sign up.

    It’s in a 2nd group of profile fields, if that matters. Here’s the relevant code, which should be working … but isn’t.



    @jvoss — are any of your fields required? If so, are they actually forcing users to fill them out?

    I was able to add my 2nd and 3rd profile fields to registration, but the “required” fields can be bypassed without filling them out.




    That’s exactly what I needed. Thank you!

    Not to be a Debbie Downer, but it’s frustrating that the search functionality on this site is so subpar that I couldn’t find that after a long time looking. I don’t know how many times I’ve searched for something, tried to click on “page 2” of results only to get a not found page. It can’t be just me, right?



    Hey @philohagen Did you ever figure this out?

    It seems like it should be an easy switch, but there’s a lot of dumb things I’ve run into trying to get it working.

    I tried @travel-junkie ‘s suggestion via @paulhastings0, but got WSOD every time I did it.



    @techguy – what’s the follower plugin? Do you have a link?

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