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  • @justbishop


    Ah, thank you. Unfortunately, that doesn’t do quite what I thought it did, lol.



    Yes, it’s built into BP. Just type the person’s @loginname into your wall post and it will link to their profile.



    I think there’s an option for that now (group forums vs. sitewide forums) in the BuddyPress admin menu now. I run BP on a Multisite install of WP, so mine is in the Network admin side of things, but you should be able to find the option to install/uninstall one or the other under BuddyPress -> Forums



    +1 needing a solution to 404 errors now



    Nevermind, did it, and your 2nd query worked like a charm, @boonebgorges! Thanks :)

    P.S. I did make a db backup, and will hang onto it just in case some wonkiness that I’m just not seeing yet crops up ;)



    Is it only on profile pages? Are you using a child theme of BP, or a completely different theme? My first stop would be the stylesheet.



    LOL, I would never do that (and I would export a backup first). Under those conditions, does it seem like a safe choice?



    @boonebgorges, thanks, and I have to ask why would you advise against doing it? Having those duplicates in the activity stream is actually an extremely bad thing for my site, because they are essentially items for sale. If a user is able to view the copy of a post made to my main site by the SWT plugin (as you are able to on certain posts that have been natively posted to one of my network’s child sites), the “add to form” cart renders using MY paypal info, rather than the seller’s info, as it does when you view the item on their site!

    Here is an example of a child site post (copied to the main site via SWT) that you can get to via one of the duplicate activity entries:

    And here is the item on the seller’s own site (a child site on my network):

    As you can imagine, it’s extremely important that users/front-end viewers are NOT given the option of which version (the original or the copy to the main site) they’d like to click into!

    @nahummadrid, I honestly have no idea what was going on. Like I mentioned, as soon as I removed the “before_blog_post” and “after_blog_post” BP codes from around my query for the featured post, the problem was non-existent, and I was able to just use the block activity stream types plugin you had recommended :D

    For the record, here is my query for the featured post. I use the Featured Content Showcase plugin for various reasons, but it displays a slideshow. All I wanted was one static, random post with an image, title, and excerpt on each page load, so I dug around and found the meta key/velue that the FCS plugin was adding to posts marked as featured, and ran with it:

    ‘orderby’ => ‘rand’,
    ‘post_type’ => ‘post’,
    ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’,
    ‘numberposts’ =>1,
    ‘post_type’ => ‘post’,
    ‘meta_key’ => ‘_fcs_featured’,
    ‘meta_value’ => ‘true’,

    $latest = get_posts($args);
    $count = 0;
    foreach($latest as $post) {

    $blogid = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘blogid’, true);
    $image = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘thumbnail’, true);
    $title = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘_fcs_title’, true);
    $text = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘_fcs_text’, true);
    if ( empty($title) ) {
    $title = get_the_title($post->ID);

    if ( empty($text) ) {
    $text = $post->post_excerpt;
    if ( post_password_required($post) ) {
    $text = __(‘There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.’);
    } elseif ( !empty($post->post_excerpt) ) {
    $text = apply_filters(‘get_the_excerpt’, $post->post_excerpt);
    } else {
    $text = $this->_makeExcerpt($post->post_content);



    One more question, and then I will try to leave everyone alone, promise!

    Would anyone be willing to give me the SQL query to plug into phpMyAdmin that will delete all of the new blog post from blog ID 1 (or, by name: activity entries from my db altogether? I’m still testing my fix, but even if it does work, there’s still the issue of my activity stream being all clogged up by the doubles from the past, and I really need to get rid of those.



    Thanks for checking in!

    I tried the fix that you linked to, but it didn’t work in my case :(



    STOP THE PRESSES! I decided to give the block activity stream types plugin another try in my desperation, and it might actually be working WITHOUT messing with the custom post query on my index page that pulls featured posts for display! Still have more testing to do, but all I did was remove the `do_action( ‘bp_before_blog_post’ );` and `do_action( ‘bp_after_blog_post’ );` from around my featured post query, and voila, it loaded a post I marked as featured AFTER activating the block type plugin, and didn’t create a double entry about the editing of the post in my activity stream!

    I know it’s not a REAL fix, but if it gets the job done, I’ll take it…



    Thanks, I really do appreciate you taking the time. I wish I could do more of this type of thing for myself, but I’m afraid that I don’t have the luxury of just sitting and straight learning PHP.

    Searched the file for both get_sitemeta and update_sitemeta and got no hits. Will your mention of @wpmuguru send them a notification? Because I don’t think BP is letting me post anything to anyone’s wall right now.



    OK, just had a look at the file, and am seriously overwhelmed. I just do not know enough about PHP to figure out what portion of the code I even need to be focusing on.

    Is there anyone else willing to help guide me a bit more? This is a serious issue for my site, and I really can’t move forward without fixing it.



    This plugin is currently working with my latest version Wp/BP site:

    Note, however, that I did have to custom code a way to display the sites per their topics (I added that to the default BP blogs directory):



    Is this something that I can help with? I have pretty meager knowledge of PHP, but am always up for learning through doing (though I generally need hand holding). If not, what is the next step in the process? Am I waiting for a patch or update to BP and/or the SWT plugin?



    Not sure if I did it correctly, but I tried!



    On searching the db, I do not seem to have that.



    I’ve done so many mods on my bp-custom.php and functions.php that I don’t even remember how half of them work. Could it be something in there?





    @boonebgorges, interesting! I don’t recall ever having this issue before, but I also can’t put my finger on the moment it started happening, either. I did check my copy of bp-blogs/bp-blogs-functions.php, and I DO have that piece of code, so I’m back at square 1 not knowing what the problem is. At least now I know that I’m trying to fix something that’s broken, rather than create a new behavior.

    @nahummadrid, yes, one is still recorded, but for some reason, the fact that the other one ISN’T recorded is messing with the “featured” posts area on my index page. The posts given the “featured” designation while the block activity types plugin is activated are not displayed in the featured area as they should be. In fact, it’s as if the page tries to load with one of the posts “featured” while the plugin was turned on, but can’t get past the heading of “featured” (i.e. none of the other page content, sidebar, or footer load). The plugin DOES fix my activity stream problem, but it creates a completely new one in this regard, so I gave up on it.



    Have been digging around in core…could something be done with this:

    `if ( !empty( $bp->displayed_user->id ) )
    $user_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;`

    Possibly along the lines of:

    `if ( !( $bp->displayed_blog->id ) )
    $blog_id = $bp->displayed_blog->id;`

    Not sure where/how to implement something like that, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to keep trying to figure it out.



    Oh, sorry, I thought that if I modified the parts referring to comments to specify blog posts instead, it would compare them to the blog id of ‘1’ and not display those (`if ( $parent->blog_id !== 1 )` ?). I’m kind of just taking shots in the dark on this and trying desperately to learn something in the process.

    To be honest, I’m not even sure I put that code in the correct file, much less what it’s supposed to do just by looking at it :/



    Tried adding this to my bp-custom.php, but it didn’t seem to do anything:



    Thank you for the suggestion, I will take a look after I put my daughter down to nap! It’s more than I had to go on thus far :D



    Stuff I’ve tried that either seemed to do absolutely nothing, or make the activity stream stop loading altogether:

    There have been more, but I can’t remember all of them :(



    Bump. I can find a few bucks to Paypal to someone willing to help me. I’m desperate.

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