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  • @jvoss


    Success! It turns out I was much closer than I thought. I had done some extensive rearranging and adding of divs to the editfield divs, and didn’t have the do_action( ‘bp_custom_profile_edit_fields’ ) in the correct place. I also used some code from @sbrajesh that he posted at that was intended for displaying all profile fields on the profile page.

    To see (and understand) what I was trying to do, you can see it at For anyone interested in the complete code for my registration page, with all the appropriate php tags, I’ve posted it at Because of the multiple loops and divs I added for styling, it’s pretty long.

    Essentially, for each profile field group I want to display I start each loop with:
    php if ( function_exists( ‘bp_has_profile’ ) ) : if ( bp_has_profile( ‘profile_group_id=1’ ) ) : while ( bp_profile_groups() ) : bp_the_profile_group();

    I change “( ‘profile_group_id=1’ )” to “( ‘profile_group_id=3’ )” or “( ‘profile_group_id=4’ )”, etc.

    I end each loop with:
    php endwhile;
    php $fields_ids[]= bp_get_the_profile_group_field_ids();
    php endwhile; endif; endif;
    input type=”hidden” name=”signup_profile_field_ids” id=”signup_profile_field_ids” value=”php echo implode(“,”,$fields_ids); “

    And somehow, it all works!



    Actually, I’ve already added the fields to the database. And I can code the registration page myself, with a little direction. What I tried already (and this looked great, it just didn’t work) was something along the following line:

    After php do_action( ‘bp_after_account_details_fields’ ) and before php do_action( ‘bp_after_signup_profile_fields’ ) :

    [ I tried pasting the code, but it didn’t display. I’ve put it in a postbin at ]

    It all looked great, was styled beautifully, and all the fields were displayed under their group. However after submitting the form, none of the entered info made it into the database. I’d post the whole register.php page code, but it is very long.



    Just noticed another odd thing. When Extended Profiles is disabled, the Profile widget appears, but the menu items Edit Profile and Change Avatar disappear. When Extended Profiles is enabled, the profile widget is gone, but the options to Edit Profile and Change Avatar appear. The only constant is the menu item for the Public profile.

    I don’t know enough about the BP code to figure out where the problem is. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Please?



    No one has any ideas what the problem might be? Am I the only one who’s having this problem?

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