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  • @karmatosed


    As it’s users not groups you are looking for you can shift your search more towards WordPress. Perhaps something here would work:



    At the heart of BuddyPress it’s simply a plugin that has a range of components making community features capable on a WordPress site. However, it’s much more than that. Think of it as a toolkit, you can bring in whatever works for the site you are going to create. However, like a toolkit you would rarely use everything on every project. You may use activity streams, maybe profiles on a site – not every site is the same.

    The start of every BuddyPress site really comes the thinking about what your community will need. Then you pick the components that fit the community.

    Hopefully that helps?



    It would be really helpful if you are able to paste a link to your site. Unfortunately, a change in width could be due to a lot of different factors – hard to tell which without seeing. A screenshot may help if you can’t give a link, but a link would be better.



    Is this a plugin or BuddyPress? I’m asking as you say custom subscribe fields. Are those profiles or using a custom plugin?



    @bp-help : Thanks for the mention 🙂



    Unless I fell asleep in a dev chat 1.9 isn’t being scoped yet.



    Are all styles overloading or just some? If just some it could be forcing styles through.
    Are you also using BuddyPress 1.7.2 (or 1.7.x)?

    However, if it’s all then can you check if the theme has this line in it:

    add_theme_support( 'buddypress' );

    If no, then can you try with another theme just to see if it’s Avenue that’s being grumpy? Maybe something like the default WordPress Twenty-Twelve would be a nice test theme.



    Hi, unfortunately as each theme is different could you either provide a link or a screenshot (going to be less useful than link) along with what theme you are using?

    Menus can be styled but it all depends on what you have to start off what recommendation is made.



    If you only want urls you can use profile fields then pull each through to show where you want on the profile.

    Once you’ve set up the profile fields in your admin dashboard you can then output like this:

    <?php bp_profile_field_data( array('user_id'=>$user_id,'field'=>'twitter' )); ?>

    This assumes a profile field called Twitter. You may have to set the $user_id depending on if you are outputting on profile or somewhere else.

    Should you want to use different types of fields such as date pickers and so on you can use:



    Lets focus on your site first as each site is different and css / html validation is just a guide due to html5 and css3.

    Ultimately the best way is to either save/ print the list and work through each.

    You are going to run into some issues where the validator thinks something isn’t valid and it’s a CSS3 technique it doesn’t validate.

    Personally, my focus on validation is always on the html validator first and then the CSS validator as a sanity check because so many things won’t pass that are valid just newer CSS.

    Any validator should only be a guide not a rule book.



    That’s potentially quite a few things maybe going on. So, I’m going to try and strip back to each issue. If you use the default theme with no translation do you get the notification email and status bar?



    @Sorensen84 can you confirm you are using the default templates – I think you are from what you say. I’m thinking you are saying that here:

    I use the buddypress default template. I got to problems, I hope you can help me solve.

    If this is the case then it’s not a custom theme unfortunately @Chouf1.

    The next candidate for an issue would be on plugins. Probably good idea if you can to strip back see if that helps by adding one by one.



    @praisehim : That sounds a tricky issue. Have you tried removing all plugins if you are able? I ask this as sometimes other plugins can interfere so stripping back to the basic install can be a great starting place.

    If that doesn’t work the link that Chouf1 explains how to give us more information. However, it may work and you can find if another plugin is culprit.

    : it’s cool, no need to link that to users they are just wanting help and everyone is at a different level – there are things we can offer to do without just linking 🙂



    Since BuddyPress 1.7 you don’t only have to use a BuddyPress theme so you can use any theme from and also I’d always say ideally you use a theme that’s designed for a community but either option gets you up and running.

    Also worth looks are:

    As far as buying in theory again every theme that works for WordPress works but BuddyPress specific themes you can get a number of places such as (not exhaustive list):

    • BuddyBoss:
    • Luca’s theme:
    • Mojo Themes:
    • Press Crew:
    • Theme loom:
    • Theme Forest:
    • Themekraft:
    • WPMU DEV:



    Cool site, really like to see a magazine format being used like this with BuddyPress. I like how the stories are the feature and it’s a really effective entry point home page.



    Sounds to me like some scripting issue. Are you either able to provide a link to see this live or using an inspector in a browser see if there are any scripting errors when you click?



    I’m not aware you can use it twice but perhaps you don’t have to. What about having types of groups?

    You can do a custom field to indicate type using maybe:

    Then you can check for type and load a different template, style differently, change language and name.

    I’m not sure about forums but you could do something similar using forums and topics.



    As Boone says in that ticket try replacing this line:

    <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>


    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>



    A few questions if that’s ok to try and work out what is going on.

    1. Did your theme work for BuddyPress before you updated BuddyPress? If so it could be your theme is causing the issues.
    2. What template is being used for the site rendering – is it single.php or page.php or another page?



    Admin’s can edit under the WordPress admin panel > Activity.

    Aside from that there was this plugin: – not sure if that works on current versions though. May be worth trying out on a safe test site (not your live site) to see.



    My first suggestion would be to do some user research. If you work there you can probably brain storm what you’d want from the site as a starting point. If you don’t then select 3-4 user types from the range of users that use them. A type can be gender, age, role, capability – something that makes them unique from other types. A simple format would be to interview / survey what they want from a site. Face to face for this rocks but you may need to do remotely depending on your situation.

    Once you have these user types you can see the paths through your site and the user journeys needed. You can even create fake profiles for these user types – make them real in your mind. Think about what tools/ components will enable those journeys – what they need and want to accomplish. Write a list. That’s what should form the site.

    Once you have this ‘shopping list’ you could even run it past your user group from the test (if you have one). Nothing like checking usefulness. I usually at this point create a site map using something like Balsamiq or another visualisation tool. This is setting the foundation and giving you an overview before you move onto fun stuff like wireframes.

    From this list you probably will also get a list of functionality that you need plugins for (if you do). Do they want to upload documents (a common intranet request)? And so on…

    That’s just a starting point but will create a picture for you.

    A few other questions worth asking:
    – Do you want a social network or do you want a community? A social network is purely connections and whilst can be part of a community isn’t one by itself. A community has deeper relationships and activities such as forums, working towards goals, a whole range of other actions beyond just a stream and friending. Do you want this to become their company home? Do you want this to be a full blown intranet or simply a social network?
    – Do you need groups? Are there going to be enough people to create groups (nothing as sad as lots of 1-2 people groups fragmented just to use groups).
    – How/who is going to maintain this? If you want a community it needs curation. Whatever format you go with you need moderation, encouragement.

    Just a point, when you say editing won’t work. You can in your theme create templates and those won’t get overwritten. This would be the recommended way. I’d say you should be doing this if you want a custom site not just the theme compatibility default version.



    What seems to have happened is you’ve closed a div twice or something similar. That column is now outside the main div which is why it’s dropped below. If you use an inspector (safari/chrome) you can see and I’d suggest going back in and checking what happened div wise.



    Have you configured your permlinks since installing BuddyPress?



    Are you showing activity on the front or do you use a theme that outputs the activity? Either way – you can remove tabs by editing the template. Which one depends on what you are doing on your site.

    For example using the default buddypress/activity/index.php layout:

    Starting at: div class=”item-list-tabs

    Comment out / delete until the 2nd:


    But, that of course removes tons of functionality. I would assume you want to just show it without that on the front?



    You can use bp-custom.php and change the default sizes there:

    `define ( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH’, 100 );
    define ( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT’, 100 );
    define ( ‘BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH’, 150 );
    define ( ‘BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT’, 150 );`

    This would do global changes though. Should you only want them to be in certain places you can edit templates for this.

    For instance:

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