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  • Ken posted on the forum topic KMZ files in the group gPress: 13 years, 12 months ago

    Fantastic I will be on the look out for updates. Thanks for your hard work.

  • Ken posted on the forum topic KMZ files in the group gPress: 13 years, 12 months ago

    Well ideally you could show live gps feed on a wordpress blog. I don’t know if there is a standard way of exchanging such data. Instead of thinking of Places you could think of Trips or Routes as well. This would be a connection of a few places that might or might not be registered […]

  • Ken posted on the forum topic KMZ files in the group gPress: 14 years ago

    Thanks for the detailed answer and sorry for the delay. Is this more for treks, trails and tours…? Yeah sort of. There’s a really small (presumably simple to implement) plugin called Geotag that can do this – display a KMZ file. So what I am really trying to achieve is show route with stops along […]

  • I’d like to know the same thing


  • Ken started the forum topic KMZ files in the group gPress: 14 years ago

    Great work and fantastic plugin. I would love if there was a way for users to uplaod KMZ files and have them displayed in a map for each user. Currently this is possible with another plugin however I can not run both at the same time as gPress doesn’t show a map in the back […]

  • Ken joined the group gPress 14 years ago

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