Active 1 day, 13 hours ago
Hugo Ashmore posted a new activity comment 13 years, 11 months ago
I shall, in future, be expecting to be referred to as the Duke of BP, Earl of pompinous, prince hnla. informally I may be addressed as Sir.
Erm that is probably and potentially a good idea, not sure how involved time wise that would be, presume that the checks are the file Paul linked me to recently to test a patch on 1.3 creates posts and pages…[Read more]
Duke of BP, I like the sound of that, Sir Prince Earl 🙂
What wondrous wisdom you have your highness to implicitly know that it would be a large chore if we conduct such theme checks ourselves. Thereby it behooves your highness to empower your subjects with the Theme Check plugin for their own protection and edification. By the by, patch on…[Read more]
I shall overlook the fact that it appears my Lord Chamberlain has been at the sauce and take on board his wise council, and thus I have empowered loyal subjects to indeed act as arbiters of their own creations by royal decree, from this day fourth let it be known that they may avail themselves of the most prized theme test apparel and wise words…[Read more]