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  • @klogan2


    BRILLIANT,,, Cheers!!! 🙂

    EDIT: The patch works a treat!!! CHEERS,,, would have taken me DAYS to figure out some sort of solution to this,,, you saved my butt r-a-y ,,, many many thanks



    SO it seems the ‘Profile Details’ portion of the registration form, in spite of the fact that the people that wrote the BP app allow for ‘required’ fields in the ‘Profile Details’ portion of the form, neglected or forgot to include validating the ‘Profile Details’ portion of the form (OR chose NOT to),,,, anyone know how to do this???,,, as efficiently as it’s being done for say the user/email/password fields???
    I’ve been reading up on validating forms,,and it actually seems like something I could do, but not without rewriting the BP files,,which I would really like to avoid (BP updates would overwrite the changes). I would think it might be possible to do via the theme function files,,,but beyond adding a function here, or a filter there, my knowledge/experience wouldn’t be sufficient I think to accomplish this task,,,
    So,,any ideas/methods how to deal with this?? Answers would be greatly appreciated.
    Cheers, Kevin Logan



    hmmm, no,, maybe I didn’t ask a silly question, I don’t think there ARE error fields for the extended profile registration fields,, along the lines of bp_signup_password_errors and then do_action( 'bp_signup_password_errors' ); in the appropriate places,,, which in this case would seem to be in the div class=editfield.
    Don’t know yet how to solve this,,, but thinking about it



    Solved my immediate problem,,, it occurred to me that there’s no reason to have social sharing links on the members (members-list in my case) & profiles pages etc,,,, so in my social link DIV I added: if (is_page( 'member-list')) { echo 'style="display:none;"'; },, works perfectly.
    Still, I do think there is a bug somewhere in the members php file(s) causing the issue, that may be having some knock-on effect for other issues.
    Kevin Logan



    Maybe silly question,,, are there error messages in the ‘Profile Details’ portion of the form?



    The page does refresh (when a required field is left empty), drops one or 2 of the values (like month & year in a birthdate field),,, but doesn’t show the error messages for any blank fields in the Profile portion of the form.
    Thanks for your suggestion,,, I’d say that’s probably way over my head,,,I might be able to do it ‘eventually’,, but I hope an easier solution comes up 🙂
    Missing Error Messages in registration form

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