@mercime Thanks for your reply. I actually meant random avatar for the “members” of my buddypress site (not for those who leave comments!)
The option in Discussion Settings that you mentioned in your post is for posting comments. Ain’t they? Or please correct me if I am wrong.
My idea is to create different random ‘default’ avatars to new members who sign-up. Some members of our site do not change their avatars and because of that we have several mystery ‘men’ getting populated in Members Directory, Group Directory and widgets or wherever we are showing off members’ avatars. The site looks so odd with so many mystery’men’ avatars.
I hope you understood the problem. Do you still recommend me to try your ideas or the plugin? Thanks for your help.
@javiermatosdes were you able to find a solution to this? Generating random gravatar for buddypress default profiles makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, I am unable to bring that change in the buddypress default theme. Could you please help me with some advice on this?
Interestingly, buddypress default theme does not accept avatar from social networks when used with WordPress Social Login plugin. I wish I could provide a random avatar for such cases where buddypress does not accept the avatar provided by social networks.
There ain’t any active plugins that can produce random avatars. I believe that the plugin that @Lawrence talks will go a long way if it is in public domain. Hence, I request him to offer us some download links to his work. Thanks.