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  • @ktrusak


    Scratch that, dropped it in the widgets.php in place of the dashboard link and it is perfect!!! Thanks for the help, been search for a long time for that



    Thanks yadigit… I am having some trouble getting the link to display–when I place it in the html part of the visual editor the link will not appear on the page/post

    copy/pasted the code straight <a href="”>My Profile out of your post, but it gets altered when I update the page.



    I was not referring to a specific nav, sorry for that confusion. I simply meant being able to place a generic link somewhere in the site, like a menu or sidebar, to bring the user to their profile.

    I had been referring to the Dashboard link that appears with the stock login widget. I currently have it set to go to the homepage (users blocked from wp-admin pages by S2), but wanted it to go to the logged-in users profile (basically I am hoping to have links that would have gone to ‘/wp-admin/profile’ go to ‘/members/**current logged in member username**’)

    Thanks for the reply Paul

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