la_ri_za started the topic Group invites problem in the forum Requests & Feedback 2 years ago
I’ve been using Invite Anyone plugin until now, but looks like it doesn’t work anymore. The links in invitation emails and Accept buttons go to 404, and no-one answers in the Support forum. Also looks like it is not compatible with PHP8.
So I’ve been wondering if I could somehow tweak Buddypress myself to be able to send group invites to all…[Read more]
la_ri_za replied to the topic Email Notifications not working in the forum Requests & Feedback 2 years ago
Update: my problem was indeed caused by the missing “situations”. We had to add many rows in the database so that we could enable them in the WP Dashboard > Emails. It is still a mystery why they disappeared in the first place.
la_ri_za replied to the topic Email Notifications not working in the forum Requests & Feedback 2 years, 1 month ago
I noticed one strange thing when I checked BuddyPress Emails section on WordPress Dashboard. Many of the “situations” are missing. So it looks like the emails are not connected to any situation. That would explain why the system is not sending them. What about you?
I wonder also if this has something to do with my multilingual setup: I’m using…[Read more] -
la_ri_za replied to the topic Email Notifications not working in the forum Requests & Feedback 2 years, 1 month ago
I have the same problem! Did you manage to solve this?
Active 2 years ago