Paul Wong-Gibbs replied to the topic Problem in email "accepted your friendship request" in the forum Installing BuddyPress 9 years ago
@lanvalencia I and others will try to get to help you as soon as possible.
None of us gets paid for contributing to BuddyPress. It’s the weekend. I have about 6 other forum discussions open where I’m trying to figure out why emails aren’t being sent at *all*, and that’s my current (personal) priority.
Paul Wong-Gibbs replied to the topic translation email in the forum Installing BuddyPress 9 years ago
@lanvalencia The Spanish translation still needs to be completed for BuddyPress 2.5. The new phrases for the emails have not been translated: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/buddypress/dev/es/default
Maybe you can help @_dorsvenabili get those done 😀
After the translation is updated, and after WordPress downloads the…[Read more]
Active 4 years ago