Leandro started the topic Buddypress Groups Not Root Multisite in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years ago
I am working in a multisite installation and I feel that is occuring a strange behaviour between buddpress, bbpress and groups.
My installation has two websites, the root and a second where I am planning run the community, however as I would like to share users avatar between the entire network I activated the buddypress in multisite…[Read more]
Leandro started the topic Disable Some Activities Types in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years ago
I am running buddypress 3.2.0 and I am being unable to disable some activities from the activity feed. I would like to hide activites like new_avatar or joined_group, but my code seems not being working with this version, since I still having new activities types from the types above being created.
Here is the snippet that I am…[Read more]
Leandro replied to the topic Add Woocommerce Products to Activity Stream in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years ago
I followed the tutorial, but not worked to me. I changed the your_custom_post_type by product (the custom type from woocommerce) and no new activity was created.
Leandro started the topic Add Woocommerce Products to Activity Stream in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years ago
I am looking for a way to add products, and others custom post types, to buddypress activity stream. I was able to achieve this using the following code however now the comment button is not appearing anymore in the activity stream, neither for products, neither for posts.
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add_filter ( 'bp_blogs_record_post_post_types',… -
Leandro started the topic Changing Buddypress Navigation in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 7 years ago
I am not sure if this is a but or not, but since I upgrade to version 3.1.0 all my tries to change the member profile menu throw a error 404. Example: I am trying to change the default setting link from “general” to “notifications”.
I already tried several differents approachs and seems that something changed from verson 2.9.4 to 3.1.0…[Read more]
Leandro replied to the topic How to hide / remove the General tab under Settings in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 7 years ago
Someone knows if the code still working with the version 3.1.0?
I remember to have used the code from @lenasterg with the version 2.9.4 and was working perfectly but now with a website running the version 3.1.0 the code doesnt redirect the old setting URL to setting/notification anymore.
I am looking for a way to remove the general tab…[Read more]
Leandro started the topic Remove Members Without Profile Avatar from Member Directory in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 7 years ago
I am looking for a way to remove profiles without avatar and cover from the member directory. I already did some research but couldnt find yet a solution that let me clean a bit my member directory, anyone already find a solution?
Leandro Tavares Rocha started the forum topic Translating Profile Fields Titles in the group Localization 13 years ago
I have a question that I couldn´t find a solution. I have a website in portuguese and we want to open it in other languages (like english). I created a few websites subdomains (pt.website.com, […]
Leandro Tavares Rocha joined the group Localization 13 years ago
Leandro Tavares Rocha started the forum topic Feature Request: User can choose their achievements in the group Achievements 13 years ago
I am build a social network to RPG players and one of the elements that would like to implement is to allow users to select which achievements they have already concluded. I’ve seen that it is possible to […]
Leandro Tavares Rocha replied to the forum topic Conditional Tags in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 14 years ago
Note: I want to show the information in all pages when visiting a member profile, if I click in activity or friends when visiting a profile I want that the information continue being showed.
Leandro Tavares Rocha started the forum topic Conditional Tags in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 14 years ago
I think that this question is simples, but I can´t figure out what wrong is happening with me.
I am working in a code to show some information in sidebar only in profiles page (users or others users when visiting) the problem […]
Leandro Tavares Rocha started the forum topic Edit my Location in the group gPress: 14 years ago
Hi, I’am having a strange problem. I can’t see the map on the “edit my location” page, it´s strange because on the registration page I can see the map normally. I thought that would be a plugin problem or a theme problem, but I already deactivated all plugins and changed to bp-default theme and nothing […]
Leandro Tavares Rocha started the forum topic Other Language in the group BP User Profile Map: 14 years ago
I have a question. The plugin work using a profile field called Location, but in my language this is called Localização. There is some way to change te name of the field?
Leandro Tavares Rocha joined the group BP User Profile Map 14 years ago
Leandro Tavares Rocha joined the group BuddyPress Share It 14 years ago
Leandro Tavares Rocha posted on the forum topic Wang Guard Users Error in the group WangGuard: 14 years ago
I didn’t find the problem, but I made a solution.
I “cleaned” the usemeta table. I create another database and imported all field relevants.
Until now everything it´s working.
Leandro Tavares Rocha posted on the forum topic Wang Guard Users Error in the group WangGuard: 14 years ago
I have not found the solution, but I think I’m on track. The problem apparently is in the table usermeta, I believe that any plugin that I used previously should have added a field that is generating this error.
Leandro Tavares Rocha posted on the forum topic Wang Guard Users Error in the group WangGuard: 14 years ago
I made the test and when a deactivate the forums component, the problem disappear.
I reinstalled the bbforum, deleted the buddypress, cleaned the tables, but nothing made the error finally disappear. The most strange is that I created a test installation in other site and everything it´s working.
Leandro Tavares Rocha posted on the forum topic Wang Guard Users Error in the group WangGuard: 14 years ago
No, I don’t use any plugin for user permissions. I looked the bp-forum.php and the line is this:
$bb_cap = array_keys($bb_cap);
$bb_cap = $wp_roles->get_role( $bb_cap );
$bb_cap = $bb_cap->capabilities;I can not imagine what is wrong. The problem only disappears when I disable buddypress. ‘ve deactivated all plugins, but the error continues.
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Active 6 years, 2 months ago