I followed the tutorial, but not worked to me. I changed the your_custom_post_type by product (the custom type from woocommerce) and no new activity was created.
Someone knows if the code still working with the version 3.1.0?
I remember to have used the code from @lenasterg with the version 2.9.4 and was working perfectly but now with a website running the version 3.1.0 the code doesnt redirect the old setting URL to setting/notification anymore.
I am looking for a way to remove the general tab and redirect the setting URL to notifications. I already have a page where users can change their password so have two places where someone can edit the same information is a bit confusing.
MOD EDIT – View the following thread for updated info:
Note: I want to show the information in all pages when visiting a member profile, if I click in activity or friends when visiting a profile I want that the information continue being showed.