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  • @life2000


    @hnia: Yes. You are absolutely right. The dashboard tab does not show up for regular subscribers. Sorry, I kept getting it because I was signed in as super admin. Problem solved :)

    The only remaining issue is that when I start letting my users sign up for their site/blog, they will have access to wordpress dashboard. I really would like to offer them a more user friendly interface like buddypress’s front end; color wise, etc.. But that’s a whole other issue. For now, I am happy to have this solved :)

    Thanks so much hnia and everyone else :)



    Hi Mark:

    Thank you for replying. That’s exactly what I did. The folder in MU Plugin. But it does not appear anywhere at all :(




    There is a great plugin called role manager that allows various degrees of access and capabilities to different users.

    Could that be applicable here within Buddypress?




    The “events” plugin would be another major milestone in BP developments. Please use us for testing, etc.

    ib0189 suggestions are great if they could be considered.



    Hi Dave:

    Would you share the solution?

    Thanks so much;



    Participant is a really cool combination of prologue and BP. I would love to have access to themes like this and be a part of its development.

    Also looking forward to Nicole’s theme. Genius stuff! I will be watching this thread.

    Thank you.




    Hi Steve:

    This is how I did it:

    As hyrxx above mentioned, go to: buddypress-home -> css -> base.css

    Look for Header section in base.css. The fist part looks like this:

    /*** HEADER **********/

    #header {

    padding: 25px 20px;


    #header h1 {

    width: 214px;

    height: 29px;

    overflow: hidden;

    text-indent: -999px;

    background: url(../images/logo.png) top left no-repeat;

    float: left;

    Just change the width and height to what your logo size is. You need to do the same on base.css in your member themes as well. I had to go into file management on my server to edit this, due to MU not having a theme editor option.



    Thank you DJPaul;

    Then at this point what steps should we take to change the message? I assume we don’t need a plugin, but just changing the text somewhere in MU files, right? But where?

    I would appreciate your response.

    Thanks so much;




    I am also very very interested in this. Please feel free to contact us for testing, etc.

    Thank You




    This little plugin seemed to work for me before, but now, it simply does not redirect the navigation button to a page, any page for that matter?

    It does add the navigation button to the menu bar very effectively though.

    How can I make sure it always sends the link to the right page?

    Thanks so much;




    You are correct Scot;

    It worked.

    It’s perfect.

    Thank you.




    Hi Mark,

    I still can’t see any settings option or a place where I can include Captcha field on the profile page at the time of registration.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you so much.




    Of all the solutions, Burt’s plugin seems to work best, and of course if we can redirect the login page to whatever page we want to, it would be even better.

    However, the only problem I have encountered with Burt’s plugin is that after I upload it, I can not access the dashboard as the administrator either! To get in the admin area, I have to remove the plugin again. Perhaps, there is a shortcut of something to avoid this.

    Sorry Burt. The questions don’t seem to end. But I guess that’s how human beings have continued to evolve, eh?

    Thank you :)




    So, I have gotten the other plugin to work, this one -> “WP-reCaptcha”.

    But I think the one Andy is using on this site, looks so much better.

    Any ideas if we can get there?

    Thank you so much;




    Hi DJPaul:

    So, I created the little plugin and placed it in wp-content/mu-plugin folder.

    I then went back to the “welcome” box to make the changes to the outgoing text. No changes were made. Sorry for being slow here. But these are the questions I have right now!

    1) I have no idea what to do with this step you mentioned above:

    “Sorry, forgot to add. Use these tokens in your update_welcome_user_email function to tell WordPress where to insert the relevant values: USERNAME PASSWORD LOGINLINK SITE_NAME”

    2) After I create the file and place it in the Mu plugin, where should I go to customize my final message going to the user.

    I really appreciate the help.

    Thanks so much;




    I would very much like to to add the “Captcha field” to the registration form.

    The one Andy is using on this demo site is great. But I can’t seem to get there yet.

    Based on this discussion the right plugin could be this one: WPMU-Signup-Captcha

    However, it does not seem to appear anywhere after I upload the plugin.

    Any ideas please?

    Thank you so much;




    Hi DJPaul:

    Thank you for your reply.

    How do I get to “update_welcome_user_email” at the outset? Or better said, where do I begin to start these changes and filters. BP Core files? WPMU files?

    Sorry, still trying to get the hang of it all:)

    Thanks so much;




    Almost solved! Password not a problem.

    I just noticed that I can easily change the password using the “settings” on the profile page. It’s awesome!

    I won’t be giving them a blog yet. So that won’t be a problem.

    So, all set. All I have to do now is change the text on the last activation email sent to users. It looks rather unfriendly with the title: “dear user” and the signature “WordPress”.

    Other than that, it’s all cool.





    THANK YOU so much. It worked! I made the file executable, as you said, and it worked beautifully, directing me straight to the user’s profile page right after the lognin page.

    But please don’t go away yet. The outstanding thing now is the password. Seeing as though users will have no access to the back end to change the password, they may be stuck with WordPress’s assigned password. Is there a way to help them have their own selected password?

    This may be asking too much. But seeing as though we have Andy’s attention too, I hope we can do it and offer the users a great experience at the outset. I know once they get through the registration happily, they would be amazed by the power of this platform.

    Nonetheless, I am already happy with this progress.

    Thanks so much;




    Hi Burt:

    So, I uploaded the latest version off the trunk: r1015 and all good. But when I throw in the above plugin, I get the exact line of the plugin code on top of the header on the site.

    When I try to login, it gives me many many lines such as below:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/cyrkabiz/public_html/ in /home/cyrkabiz/public_html/ on line 255

    Should I put the plugin in a folder or something?

    Thanks so much;




    Hi Scot:

    Thank you so much. Which sub-menus should I comment out from Buddypress admin bar?

    Also, I have uploaded the plug in “Block Admin”, but can’t find the settings related to this plugin anywhere in the dashboard.

    Seems like a tough day today. Thank you so much for your help.




    All we need to do is to direct them to their profile page withing Buddypress site after they log in. Is there a way to modify the email messages that go out during and after activation process?

    This problem has burned a hole in my brain for the last 24 hours.




    Sorry, I meant “news” tab is now “blog” tab.




    I just uploaded the most recent version off the trunk. “news” tab is not “blog” and it sends me right to the latest post. It’s solved..

    And the dishwasher is definitely quieter:)

    Thank you.



    Thank you so much.

    Which plugin does the “News” belong to?

    or Should we update all the plugins from the recent trunk?

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