lpnotes posted on the forum topic Shib authentication and Buddypress – help! in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Specifically, I get this message sitewide:
401 Authorization Required
Invalid login credentials!
lpnotes posted on the forum topic Shib authentication and Buddypress – help! in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Thanks Paul. I did find https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/shibboleth/, but installing it broke my .htaccess file for some reason (I couldn’t log back in to the site). I had installed 1.2.7, 3.0.4.
lpnotes started the forum topic Shib authentication and Buddypress – help! in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
I’m trying to develop a site for an organization that uses shib login. Is there a way to set up Buddypress so that users can log in via shib and then have a profile automatically created with the buddypress username and their original username being the same? I know that something similar already works with […]
lpnotes posted an update in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
How do I make the “group description” box larger? Do I edit this in one of the theme files? Please help!
lpnotes posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
Never mind – found the button in the settings! Thanks!
lpnotes reviewed the plugin BuddyPress Activity Stream Hashtags: 14 years ago
Works great with Buddypress 1.2.7 and 3.0.4 so far! Would would be even more awesome is a widget where we can see the top trending tags. Thanks so much for developing this. 🙂
lpnotes joined the group BuddyPress Activity Stream Hashtags 14 years ago
lpnotes started the forum topic Idea: donate points to groups? in the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration: 14 years ago
Is this idea feasible? I’d like users to accumulate points and then be able to donate their points to different groups (as represented by causes).
lpnotes posted a new activity comment 14 years ago
I’m not sure where the update database link is. Is it in the plugin settings page?
lpnotes posted an update in the group Jet Event System for BuddyPress: 14 years ago
I just installed this plugin for 3.0.4 v. 1.2.7, and I seem to be getting two errors:
1) When I try to create a new event, and insert an appropriate starting and ending time, I get this error: “There was an error updating event details. Date and time of completion of the event can not exceed the date of its beginning, please try again.”
2) So…[Read more]
lpnotes joined the group Jet Event System for BuddyPress 14 years ago
lpnotes started the forum topic Achievements vs. Cubepoints plugins in the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration: 14 years ago
Just wondering… why choose one over the other? Both seem to be pretty similar. Cubepoints seems to have a higher rating, though. Anyone know why?
lpnotes joined the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration 14 years ago
lpnotes posted on the forum topic Transforming the default navigation bar (activity, groups, members, etc.) into a dropdown menu in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
@modemlooper Thanks!
lpnotes posted on the forum topic Plugin Idea: letting users create a game and predict the outcome of the game – then write the final in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
From a gambling perspective, I guess. The idea is that offline users can challenge each other to a real game, predict the score, and then confirm the final result which will show up as a status update.
lpnotes started the forum topic Transforming the default navigation bar (activity, groups, members, etc.) into a dropdown menu in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years ago
Is there an easy way to add dropdown menus to the default navigation bar? I tried using custom menu but it doesn’t seem to work with my theme. Can I delete the php code for the navigation in header.php and use html or javascript to manually insert a navigation menu?
lpnotes started the forum topic Is this plugin working for 3.0.4 and 1.2.7? in the group BuddyPress Gifts: 14 years ago
I installed it under the above compatability, but the gifts tabs aren’t showing up in members’ profiles. I don’t know if I didn’t configure a setting or if it’s just not compatible with my version of WordPress/Buddypress.
On the other hand… is there another plugin like this one out yet?
lpnotes joined the group BuddyPress Gifts 14 years ago
lpnotes posted on the forum topic Intergating with Achievements being unlocked in the group Achievements: 14 years ago
@armin I second josh101’s request. 🙂
lpnotes joined the group Achievements 14 years ago
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