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  • @lylewinton


    @groan , by “links” I actually mean BuddyPress URL paths such as “http://yoursite/…/groups/”. BuddyPress recognises a few of these (activity, groups, members, forums) and I believe these are directories in BuddyPress themes. Under unix operating systems (I’m installing on Linux) you can create “symbolic links” or “symlinks” which are like shortcuts to other directories. My solution was to “hack” such links into the “mobile_pack_base” and “mobile_pack_blue” themes, linking to the corresponding directories under the BuddyPress Default theme. And it worked. (I was a bit surprised) The lines starting with dollar signs are linux commands. If you don’t have command line access you may be able to create symlinks using ftp or something else, I’m not sure. If you’re on Windows I have no idea what to do.

    PS. In retrospect I should have created a new and independent theme derived from “mobile_pack_base” which then included all of the symlinks. Or perhaps WordPress has a better way of doing such links that would work across platforms. I’m pretty new to WordPress.



    I’ve been experimenting with WordPress Mobile Pack on my BuddyPress site. Made some progress so I thought I’d share how…

    Context is BuddyPress already installed, WordPress Mobile Pack installed:
    1) enable Appearance – Mobile Switcher
    2) set the mobile theme to “WordPress Mobile (blue)” or other, but not base!!!
    3) under Appearance – Menu, create a new custom menu (for mobile navigation) with the following 4 URL links…
    Link: Activity /pathto/activity/
    Link: Members /pathto/members/
    Link: Groups /pathto/groups/
    Link: Forums /pathto/forums/
    4) add the custom menu to the bottom of your sidebar, under Widgets (unfortunately visible for non-mobile too, but it not too conspicuous)
    5) now under Appearance – Mobile Widgets enable only that custom menu (otherwise mobile navigation is a problem)
    6) the BuddyPress links don’t work as the mobile theme isn’t compatible, so hack them in on the command line:
    $ cd ?pathto?/wp-content/themes/mobile_pack_base/
    $ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/activity ./
    $ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/forums ./
    $ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/members ./
    $ cd ../mobile_pack_blue/ (or the one you’re using, but not base)
    $ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/groups ./

    Your good to go! You can’t use the mobile base theme as it already has a “groups” directory which stuffs things up (if you’re not a nokia).

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