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Lynda Williams

About Me

I”m a mom and grandmother in Santa Cruz, CA. I became a blogger in February of 2018. Although I’ve designed web sites since 1994 professionally, I only do it now for fun for friends. I’ve installed and customized WordPress installations on a few sites, and make most of the updates to as a volunteer, it was only recently that I found a passion I could maintain in an ongoing blog. Bay Area Non-Profit News was created to fill a niche in the non-profit world that hasn’t really been addressed in this manner before, and I’m very proud of it! We exist to spotlight and amplify the voices of local non-profits that are making a positive change in the community, one shout-out at a time. I also work a full-time job as a cashier in a national pharmacy chain, and in my “spare time” I sing bass in the Mission Valley Chorus, a championship women’s barbershop harmony chorus. Whew!

Website URL

Current Location

Santa Cruz, Ca

WordPress Origin Story

I started designing web sites in 1994, first for fun, then professionally. I had a few blogs at in the early days because it was “the thing to do!” But I never had a passion for anything that inspired me to blog on a regular basis. ADHD probably has something to do with it! Over the past 24 years, I’ve learned a lot about Internet marketing through social networks, and have helped friends with their blogs – even customizing some WP installations from scratch – those sites didn’t stay online long – those owners didn’t have any more ability to focus long-term than I did! But I maintained some WP blogs for friends throughout the years. However, this year I sang in a barbershop quartet in a live radio spot during a promotion of our chorus’ annual high school choir festival, Sing For Your Life, and ended up being the spokesperson during the interview. A fellow chorus member, who I work with on PR and Marketing for the chorus, said that I came across very well, and that I should consider doing a 5-minute weekly radio spot promoting local non-profits – like Local Non-Profit News or something. Well, that idea caught fire with me and I approached the radio station, who said they’d be very interested in running it – $60/minute! WHOA! I don’t have that kind of money, and don’t know where to get it! But I realized that I had a GoDaddy hosting account that allowed me to host as many domains as I want, an understanding of blogging and how to set up a WP press site, and a passing knowledge of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for marketing, and that I could set that ll in motion for free! With that, Bay Area Non-Profit News was born. I’m currently doing a 6-part series featuring four local non-profits that are addressing homelessness in Santa Cruz County with very good outcomes. It remains to be seen whether I can stick with this, but it’s looking good for a resounding YES!

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