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  • @marcycapron


    dearest @djpaul, I changed version to 6065, re-ran wizard, and can now post updates YAY let’s close this thread YAYAYAYAY thank you!



    @djpaul I think I’d like to try rerunning the update first. what can I change the version number to to force that? and thank you!



    @djpaul it’s 6066 :-|



    (and thank you for your continued help!!!)



    @mercime hey, so I changed %s to %d in both bp-core-schema (referred to in prior ticket within what you sent) and bp-activity-classes (for item_id and secondary_item_id) to no avail. I am probably not implementing a fix correctly because the ticket is a bit too vague for me. :(

    cc @djpaul



    @mercime I am on a single install. it’s on hostgator running linux. I have tried switching to other themes and replacing BP and issue prevails. I’ve never had this issue with other 1.6.1 installs so I am wondering if something in my db is screwed up?



    Nope, been running 1.6.1 :(



    @megainfo @djpaul

    and then these are the headers chrome dev tools spits out once i remembered to turn XHR on (oops) ….



    @megainfo @djpaul i can’t post updates to groups *or* my profile.

    this is what i get with debug on (mind you no errors in chrome dev tools)

    `WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘a.is_spam’ in ‘where clause’]
    SELECT a.*, u.user_email, u.user_nicename, u.user_login, u.display_name FROM wp_bp_activity a LEFT JOIN wp_users u ON a.user_id = u.ID WHERE a.is_spam = 0 AND a.user_id IN ( 25 ) ORDER BY a.date_recorded DESC LIMIT 0, 20
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘a.is_spam’ in ‘where clause’]
    SELECT count( FROM wp_bp_activity a USE INDEX (user_id) WHERE a.is_spam = 0 AND a.user_id IN ( 25 ) ORDER BY a.date_recorded DESC
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘is_spam’ in ‘field list’]
    INSERT INTO wp_bp_activity ( user_id, component, type, action, content, primary_link, date_recorded, item_id, secondary_item_id, hide_sitewide, is_spam ) VALUES ( 25, ‘activity’, ‘activity_update’, ‘wec posted an update’, ‘ajax 2’, ‘’, ‘2012-11-02 00:53:15’, ”, ”, 0, 0 )



    @djpaul pardon my ignorance but if i still get the error even when i am in bp-default and i have JS turned off, isn’t it not an ajax thing?

    i’ll have one of my team members trace how the whole thing is failing though (that part is not my forte)



    @mercime @djpaul hi! i still get the error with bp default.

    i turned off JS, still a problem. so very strange!



    Aha! I kept trying to figure out what I was doing wrong… I’d click “uninstall groups forums” and it wouldn’t actually do anything…. deleting bb-config did the trick and now I can have sitewide forums instead! thank you!



    @zlamczyk and anyone else who finds this — to redirect activation email to admin….

    function my_redirect_activation_email()
    return get_site_option( “admin_email” );
    add_filter(‘bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification_to’, ‘my_redirect_activation_email’);

    I’m sure can be manipulated to plop user email in there.



    @zlamczyk 3 months late on this but what exactly did you do to that last snippet you posted? yes, it would get overwritten but I am in a bind just like you were. we’re doing an alumni-only social network and the email MUST be @alumni etc .edu and therefore hand approved…

    and yep, bp registration options is crap! err, doesn’t work. but, we are using wp e-commerce members only module which means that if I can just stop the user self-activating, I am pretty much good to go – (plugin requires sign up as subscription is being purchased, and it sends that damned email!!!!)

    if you happen to see this, thanks!!



    I have no luck in changing the default to profile… despite having never changed the slug… I can change the order just fine, but the second I put the snippet in wp-config the base user profile (which default goes to activity) doesn’t work and goes to home page.




    hey there – did you ever resolve this?



    definitely keep us posted, I’d totally pay to not use jet events anymore. unless yours doesn’t have american am/pm time either :(

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