in admin under BuddyPress components link you can disable groups component.
Thanks @modemlooper I know
but will that uninstall and delete the groups tables from my database?
I still have the question, will bbpress plugin cause any conflict with buddypress?
bbPress the plugin is still in beta, so I wouldn’t install it in live site. The Lead Developer of BuddyPress is the same Lead Dev for bbPress so you can be sure it will be made fully compatible in the near future.
As to your first question, groups has around 4 tables so I suggest you leave them be even if you disable the groups. As always, before making drastic changes, backup DB and server files.
@mercime I really appreciate your help and advice
as I’m out of time so I will likely start playing with bbpress on my coming live project, I hope just the two of them will stay in place until there is full compatibility. 
I also installed the groups version and now want to go to the bbPress. When I try and “uninstall” the groups, it still keeps all those settings so anything I try and do in bbPress doesn’t work. Even tried deleting everything with buddy press to no avail!
Will try just disabling groups in the components until the other is out of beta.
@OHAAT first, bbPress the plugin is no longer in beta, it is now stable version 2.0.2. The topic above was 4 months 2 weeks ago.
To totally uninstall the forum for groups, backup DB and the bb-config.php that was created at root of your WP install. Then delete that bb-config.php at root. For more info about installing sitewide forums (bbPress plugin) check out
Aha! I kept trying to figure out what I was doing wrong… I’d click “uninstall groups forums” and it wouldn’t actually do anything…. deleting bb-config did the trick and now I can have sitewide forums instead! thank you!
@marcycapron you’re welcome. glad it worked out for you