Forum Replies Created
Hi, thank you for your reply!
Yes poEdit generate the file correctly. I´ve also tried the plugin localization. I don´t use any Umlaut or sz. I use my own language-file because I use other terms for groups etc.
buddypress plural:
Viewing member %1$s to %2$s (of %3$s active members)german translation:
Mitglieder %1$s bis %2$s (von insgesamt %3$s aktiven Mitgliedern)no idea?
I´m not shure, if I get you right.
I understand, that the members-loop creates the content for members-list.
But how can I integrate this in the members-loop. I need all views, the common view of the members-loop and my view, if the user clicks on the above mentioned link.Cheers and Thank you
Marcono ideas?
Thank you @r-a-y,
unfortunately, it doesn´t work. It only loads the “all members”-page.
It still loads admin-ajax.php.
Any other tips?Cheers
I´ve tried to do this. But I always get the result “This group has no members”:First, I want to get the group_id of the group, which the member has joined.
<?php global $bp; $group = groups_get_group( array( ‘group_id’ => $group_id ) ); if ( bp_group_has_members( '$group' ) ) : ?> <div id="member-count" class="pag-count"> <?php bp_group_member_pagination_count() ?> </div> <div id="member-pagination" class="pagination-links"> <?php bp_group_member_pagination() ?> </div> <ul id="member-list" class="item-list"> <?php while ( bp_group_members() ) : bp_group_the_member(); ?> <li> <!-- Example template tags you can use --> <?php bp_group_member_avatar() ?> <?php bp_group_member_link() ?> <?php bp_group_member_joined_since() ?> </li> <?php endwhile; ?> </ul> <?php else: ?> <div id="message" class="info"> <p>This group has no members.</p> </div> <?php endif;?>
no common usecase?
no idea?
Hi there,
I´ve added the code in the functions.php of my child-theme.
In the “Who´s online”-widget, I still see the super admins. Any ideas to hide them in the widget?
Thank you!
MarcoSorry Hugo…
You are right! I have misunderstood the code. Thank you
Cheers Marco@Hugo,
thank you so much!
But this loop displays all members of the entire network, right?
I only want to show only members of his group (hidden).Thank you for your help!!!
Marcono idea?