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Forum Replies Created

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  • @mattlay


    This is great work thank you! I was wanting this exactly. It seemed the groups had a missing piece and now it is filled.



    This is great I am sure it will be much used. Perhaps it should be cut and pasted into a post entitled WP 2.8.1/BP 1.01/bbPress 1.0.3 (or something) Integration and made sticky.

    I have read several people say they are on hold or gave up due to the difficulty in integrating these pieces. It is a shame it is difficult because all three are top of class work. Our forums are faster and cleaner than anything we have used in the past.

    If only integrating cookies, users, and looks was a button click I think 90% of the frustration would be gone IMHO.



    I installed an album plugin and noticed, while the wire post shows up, you can’t post from it. Seems your not the only one with this question.



    Thanks everyone. My problem is that I copied it to to the default theme and not the theme I am using *doh* all is well now.



    No kidding. It looks very odd to have a theme and look for the site and then have that look completely different for the users blogs.

    At the very least can I change the theme for the users blogs?

    What I mean is I have a theme for WPMU and Buddy press and all other themes are turned off and yet they still look like the default theme. Where would I change how those blogs ‘look’?



    That’s a relief.



    Just installed this via the plugin installer in the admin area and I get the following when I navigate to the Album:


    Not Found / No Access

    The page you are looking for either does not exist, or you do not have the permissions to access it.

    I used the installer, and also did it by uploading to my server manually. Same result. Permissions are the same as other plugins.

    I also tried the beta version with the same result.


    WPMU 2.8.2

    BP 1.0.3

    bbPress 1.0.1



    I believe I will find a whole to put my head in. Thank you it is there under Site Admin.



    Brilliant it worked thanks!



    Thanks for the help I will try and do that.

    New instructions… I shall take a look having issues with that too.



    Yes that is it exactly. Sorry John I tend to be a little unclear when I describe things but what jverhine and Diossabot said is exactly what I am having. It is like you can only activate 7 of 8 components. They are all on to start with but once you disable one then this happens.

    I disabled the wire component as it is the least needed at this point.



    I managed to fix it using this thread and advice from the venerable Trent.



    Same situation here this is a setback.




    Let me expand on what is happening as others may run in to it. I basically have one component that stays dissabled. I can turn any number of them on or off but the last one, regardless of which one it is stays disabled. So it is not just related to the forum component it is something else. That ‘else’ I have not determined yet.



    @Terryjsmith what is the status of your ‘sexy’ plugin to do this?

    I am curious if anyone knows if bbpress and BP are working to do this somehow by default. I am sure they are working on a lot of things but like I said this seems rather important from a users perspective.



    Reading down the thread I have become a bit confused as to what I need to edit and where. Perhaps a summary with all necessary code could be posted for the simple among us.



    Thank you sorry for not finding it before.



    I am looking for this exact eplaination as well it is perfect how it is done on buddypress. It would be helpful if once you installed buddypress and do the integration of the forums that it somehow shows up on in your site like it does here. I am no coder and am sure it is not trivial.



    I would also like this. On pages made in wordpress can users have the rights to edit them? Almost like a wiki in that sense.



    I have been over there as well trying to find any resources I can.

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