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  • @maxaud


    It seems this just uses str_replace to change the URL on displaying the menu. The blog count is hidden with CSS but shows the displayed user count rather than the logged in user’s blog count (even in the admin bar).

    May have to str_replace the count as well..



    Thanks, I’ll check it out.

    Much appreciated.



    BuddyPress version 1.6.4

    Theme is homegrown but my needs wouldn’t change depending upon theme being used.

    I’m current looping through the $bp->nav and $bp->bp_option_nav variables to construct the code needed but these variables change whether you’re viewing another users profile or not.

    I need to construct the same menu as if you were viewing your own profile but display it on every page, even if viewing another users profile.



    That doc states that $bp->nav is for the currently logged in user but that is incorrect. The counts for projects, groups, etc is for the currently displayed user.

    The $bp->bp_options_nav is still being generated for the currently viewed user. How can I generate a similar list for the currently logged in user?



    I’m curious, how can we add a sort option like the “mentions” tab for this custom activity?

    A way to view view strictly the activity for this custom post type.



    Thanks for the reply.

    I saw something a while back that deletes BP users when they get to a certain age and don’t fill out any profile information.

    Thanks for the links, I ran the 2nd option before and that helped a little bit. It took out about 1% of the users I would like to remove.

    Thanks, anything else guys?



    I’ve made myself a personal copy of the theme without some of the features like bbPress design tweaks and such to mainly see what it took to make it. Really makes you appreciate CSS since it seems like 99% of it was just CSS changes.

    I’ve been wrking on doing some updates to also.

    I’m working on around 4 different BuddyPress powered websites with more scheduled. The themes being designed will probably have some sort of public release as well.

    This is an initial mockup for one of themes that will be release to the community:



    Thanks for the replies guys.

    So basically just redefine the functions I want to change in the new bp-custom.php file in the plugins directory (+ comment header for plugin activation)?

    seems simple enough, now just got to go through and update to RC2.

    Anything big I should know about in the update process, besides the directory changes?



    Yes, thanks for the follow-up.

    Some notes as to what we were dealing with:

    The site is hosted at Rackspace (for now).

    We had a tech (Dan Jeffries) from Bulldog Data (handles some server/database setups for Microsoft/Amazon/Overstock/Zoovy) log in and check out our box at Rackspace as to see why we were throwing up errors.

    1) Removed firewall rules that were hurting Apache performance by forcing connections to drop after a certain limit

    2) Turned off a series of mysql performance killers in /etc/my.cnf, the Mysql configuration file.

    – Turned off query time outs that were way too short

    – Turned off logging which amounts to a double write every time a write to the db is done.

    – Tuned several memory and connection limits

    3) Updated the amount memory that php scripts are allowed to use, which was causing new profiles/blogs not to show throwing out of memory errors

    The end result:

    -The server uses significantly less memory (~2.5GB less)

    -New blogs/profiles are now showing up.

    -The site is quicker and more responsive.

    We owe a lot of thanks to Dan for helping with this issue and fixing the numerous problems/scripts/settings that Rackspace had messed up on our box (is 15 php.ini files really neccessary?). He definately made my day.



    Here are a couple errors in the log that look to be related to the issue.

    [Tue Mar 24 01:57:15 2009] [error] [client] script ‘/var/www/vhosts/’ not found or unable to stat

    [Tue Mar 24 01:57:55 2009] [error] [client] script ‘/var/www/vhosts/’ not found or unable to stat

    With WannaNetwork we weren’t expecting it to grow at this pace (currently 18,500k members and 450ish blogs) so we have a large database (not using the multi-db plugin as of yet though have been working on installing it. Would this be causing the issue? Could we be reaching the OS or Mysql file limits?

    Is multi-db the best choice or should we be looking at other option?




    Thanks for the compliments guys. Glad to have a platforms like WordPress and BuddyPress to work off of. Thanks for the showcase Andy. gets a 404

    while works

    I don’t have the error logs on hand but I will post them later.





    Thanks for the reply.

    Does this actually send the email out to the user getting the request?





    I installed wp-super-cache and it’s caching members profiles and invite pages so you cannot reject and or accept.

    What would I put in the settings to ignore these places?




    It took about two months from start to what it is now.

    Only having a few bugs from BuddyPress but it may just be my coding/styling.

    So far it’s been good.

    It seems the members like to push every button they see so group and friend requests are insane. I took off the group email notifications as it seemed to be getting abused. Might be good to have this as an option to turn off for future releases.



    Launched on Sunday evening. – A network for Real Estate Professionals

    Still working out a lot of bugs but it’s getting there.

    18,000 users, is that the biggest BuddyPress site to date?



    Thanks, I’ll check it out.






    re-installed with most recent version of both WPMU-bleeding edge and BuddyPress and it seemed to fix the issues.

    I don’t think it was a BP or WP issue but a server problem.

    Thanks for helping.



    I ahd the same problem.

    Couldn’t be created and then it couldn;t be moved.

    It’s working fine on a test 2.6.5 install that I have.



    I should also add that I’ve tried with the following directories chmod 777 with no luck.






    I’ve also tried uploading images that were way too big or way small and still got the same error.



    it seems as though the avatar function is there but I get the following error:

    “Upload Failed! Please check the permissions on the group avatar upload directory.”

    what directory do I need to make writeable?



    ok, instead of downloading from:

    I downloaded the trunk version from:

    I added these and it now works correctly.

    I assumed the was the latest development version.


    The download link from subdomains of (ex: bring you to a 404 page since it’s probably coded in to be “/download” instead of the full url.



    4Inflater, I’m not sure what you’re saying. Can you re-phrase your post?


    I tried with the latest version of both.

    I will install fresh copies of both and do fresh installs and report back here what I find.

    Would a custom home theme or a custom member theme effect these?

    thanks for your responses



    WPMU 2.7 is available at trunk (not offically released yet)

    The site states that BuddyPress is being developed on the latest Trunk version of WPMU so I assumed that this stuff should show on the settings page.

    I know a lot of people here are working off the 2.7 version. (look at

    Is anyone showing these options on 2.7?



    Also, noticed that the “Group Forums” section isn’t present in WPMU 2.7 but it is in 2.6.5

    It says the following and has the following options:

    “To enable forums for each group in a BuddyPress installation, you must first download, install, and setup bbPress and integrate it with WordPress MU.

    Once you have bbPress set up correctly, enter the options below so that BuddyPress can connect.”

    – bbPress URL

    – bbPress username

    – bbPress password

    – Cache requests

    – Caching enabled

    – Cache timeout

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