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  • @mewrd


    i guess thats what i will do, use some kind of cron proccess,thank you again,have a good day:)



    hi shanebp thank you for your reply, so if i understand you correctly :

    you do think there is a good chance that plugin like this will cause a problem of overload ?
    and one solution is to add another databse just for the questionnaire?



    excellent link i have added to my favorites.



    the problem is that , well , i can’t see the problem ,i can login and logout from two different computers with no problems at all ,it is just that client that seems to have login issues . i don’t know how to fix a problem that i can’t see?
    i have tried to switch themes and deactivate plugins .is it something in the htaccess file?



    thank you so much for taking time to respond to my question,

    i am using – buddy multi-purpose -theme from themeforest,(indeed wordpress with bp compatibility but they are not good at support though)

    so i will wait for bp 1.8 if i understand you correctly,

    big relief
    tnx again



    filter by buddypress responsive



    i am also a newbie but if i am not mistaken the theme you have selected is not buddypress compatible(only wordpress)- and you may encounter even more difficulties later is it possible to change theme?



    i did read it, but as a newbie its sometimes a little complex and i thought there was a way to bypass dealing directly with php in order to change the single member page layout i have to make changes directly to child-theme php files?im trying to understand the logic because my problem (remove the right side bar from the single member page )was already posted a lot of times and none of the solutions worked for me -the theme i have installed (and child theme i have created) has an option for 3 culomns layout
    so if can you help me – which of these files will help me to remove and how, the side-bar from the single member page )

    the optional files theme/members/single/home.php

    there is no page.php in members directory.

    i have tried to remove `<?php get_sidebar( ‘buddypress’ ); ?> from them -didnt help

    there are few more files
    in the theme directory left-sidebar.php right-sidebar.php and page.php but i will probably have to use conditional tags <?php is_page_ and since i don’t know how to call this page i dont know how to write this function.



    hi i saw this solution does it help?

    edited :

    If you create a new profile group, then you could move some of those profile fields to these new groups and it won’t show up on all a once in the registration page.

    To create a new profile group, login to the WP admin dashboard and navigate to “BuddyPress > Profile Fields” page. Next, click on the “Add New Group” button located in the header text.

    here is the link



    i read in several posts that you are developing a buddysearch plugin excellent!!. when it will be released ,in a month? few months ?year?
    thank you very much!!

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