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  • @michaelmarian


    David, the options is not available unless you have admin privileges. Perhaps you can change it prior to deleting the admin. I had to go to the database and make zambibo’s change.



    I see that buddypress stores the images in the wp-content directory. I however cannot for the life of me find a reference in the database to the image. It simply stores the avatar a directory based on the member ID. Am I missing something?

    Many thanks.



    I’m looking at it. Good idea for spell checking in forms. Sorry I don’t have an answer for you. Give it a bit. Someone will answer.



    I also used this for identifying top level navigation.

    <?php if ( bp_is_page( BP_FORUMS_SLUG ) ) : ?>

    Problem for me is when you get into the Member sub navigation. I looked at your tab highlighting and agree that would also work. But I don’t see anything in the head that deals with the subsection pages.

    So I’m almost there. I’m looking at mercime’s link know to see how they are doing it.



    I used this successfully as well. Thanks!

    I have a slightly different need. I got rid of the header and have my own, but on my home page I have a larger header area then on all other pages. I solved this by php code by detecting if on the home page:

    <?php if( bp_is_front_page() ){ ?>

    <link rel=’stylesheet’ href=’wp-content/themes/coffeehouse/large-masthead.css’ type=’text/css’ media=’screen’ />

    <?php } ?>

    I can also do this for other pages by determining the slug such as Blogs.

    How do I do the same for the child pages of the Members area? Is that a different directory? I tried using the template tags without success.



    Thanks Nexia, The trick I’m looking for is in how to identify in the head which page I’m now on and to use and if statement to load something additional. For the main pages like Activity, Groups, Forums, I can use the page slugs in my if statement successfully. Just not in the sub sections.



    Sorry. The first if statement does work but the template tag “bp_is_group_members()” does not. Nor do most of the template tags do not work.


    Participant page source showed that my avatar image looked something like “ Image Library not loaded”.

    The solution was to get the GD Image Library turned on.

    1) open php.ini in wordpad and uncomment the line


    2) copy the php_gd2.dll from the C:php5extras folder and place with the php.ini file

    3) in IIS open Application Pools and right click on DefaultAppPool and select Recycle ( you don’t have to restart IIS)

    Then I used the Change Avatar page and finally after weeks of tooling around my avatars are loading. Yahoo!!



    I have wpmu in the root I have permalinks set to default but Buddy Press seems to ignore this and does rewrites which are not working. So News and Members get a 404.

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