FanQuake replied to the forum topic End goal? in the group BuddyPress Media 13 years, 3 months ago
@mikepratt Thought I might answer a few of your questions.
Your correct when you say that Bp-Album and Bp-Media are unrelated, the two are completely different.
In regards to version numbers, me and foxly […]
Xevo replied to the forum topic End goal? in the group BuddyPress Media 13 years, 4 months ago
@modemlooper I’m interested to seeing a mobile uploader, haven’t seen that before. Also, would be great to see more competition.
@mikepratt You can’t compare the stable plugin (bp album) with the plugin […]
ma2t posted an update 13 years, 9 months ago
I hope you’re well.
I have been trying to get your code from your “How to add a custom tab on the Home activity section” post.
But I’ve only had limited success in getting it working.
I have written exactly what I’m trying to achieve and the problems I’m having in this post:…[Read more]
mikehenrysr posted an update 14 years, 4 months ago
@mikepratt Mike, I have a BuddyPress site for people in the leadership development space and I’d love to allow the premium members the ability to import their RSS feed into the activity stream much like you’re doing on BP-Tricks. Do you have this feature ready as a plugin yet?
Bowe posted an update 14 years, 4 months ago
@travel-junkie @travel-junkie, @nuprn, @brajesh, @boonebgorges @r-a-y @Andrea_R @sbrajesh @MikePratt @stwc, @francescolaffi,
Hi guys,
I’m relaunching BP-Tricks.com this week and one of the features is a BuddyPress dedicated Activity Stream. Me and MrMaz worked on a plugin to let people include their blog RSS feeds into the Stream.
The point…[Read more]
techguy posted an update 14 years, 6 months ago
@mikepratt Hey, I heard you mention in your WordCamp presentation that you put text at the bottom of your PM message emails so people knew to respond on the site and not to the email itself. I’d love to get the text you’ve found to be effective and did you use Welcome Pack or some plugin like that to make it happen?
Kenneth Henderson posted an update 14 years, 6 months ago
@mikepratt I would like to talk to you about some of the ways you organized groups on BugleNotes. I have a site that needs some better group organization and would like to use some of the techniques you have.
Rogemar posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@mikepratt Hi mike..
Could you please help me what plugin should i need if i want my “Groups Page” has its own Wall wherein the members can post or update something about them.
Jeff Sayre posted a new activity comment 14 years, 7 months ago
BuddyCamp is still a kernel of an idea. It was something @mikepratt and I were working on about a year ago. Our initial idea was to hold the first one in Chicago as at the time it was convenient to the both of us. No other plans are in the works at this time.
/cc @paulhastings0
hnla posted on the forum topic Is bp dying a slow death? in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 9 months ago
oops 🙂 @andy could you please forward all recent @mentions to @apeatling @mikepratt It is surprising the amount of talent available , and that all appear to have been around the block a few times 🙂 on a sidenote and to add a little levity to the thread Jeff Sayre wrote a interesting little post on his blog […]
David Lewis posted on the forum topic Is bp dying a slow death? in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 9 months ago
@mikepratt Well, I built my first website in 1994… shortly after Netscape 0.9 beta was released… but I’m still a whining code monkey some days 😛
tsjogren posted on the forum topic Need help changing what my site names "members", please help i'm so frustrated. in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 9 months ago
The right way to do this (as i have heard)
If you use this method you have full control over styling and it works perfect.
@mikepratt gave this tips in this presentation that i think is a awesome. Check it out…[Read more] -
ThePremiumPress posted an update 14 years, 9 months ago
@mikepratt Just wanted to say thanks for the BuddyPress presentation you recently aired – it was very inspiring, and we even used it as our own training video prior to our presentation on Geo-Tagging with BuddyPress which we presented at WordCamp Malaysia last month:
Looking forward to seeing you in action again!
Dwenaus posted on the forum topic can we clean up the Extend tab at buddypress.org so that only 'real' buddypress plugins show up. in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years, 10 months ago
@mikepratt @jeffsayre @djpaul and others, I’m glad a conversation got started here. It sure would be good to hear from the powers-that-be about this. I especially like the suggestion about using a new extension such as bp-extension that makes it clear that this is an extension of BuddyPress rather than compatible. Heck, maybe even introduce a…[Read more]
Jeff Sayre posted on the forum topic Introducing the WordPress Hook Sniffer: a Developer Plugin in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years, 10 months ago
I’m glad that you find the WP Hook Sniffer useful. Thanks for the donation!
I had @mikepratt download it today to help him out with an add_action function that was not firing.
Aditya Singh posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago
@mikepratt hey, saw you have an existing site running on buddypress-wordpress…could you help me with a few things. I am quite new at both wp and bp….
installed it just yesterday -
hnla posted on the forum topic help seting up registration on front page like facebook in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 10 months ago
@mikepratt that’s a really nice design and layout, especially like the /why/ page.
Brajesh Singh posted on the forum topic Filter site_url() to always point to main blog/site (Help request) in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 11 months ago
@stwc 🙂 @mikepratt In that case, you will have to cap on “bp_core_get_root_domain”, as this is what used by the userlink.
add_filter("bp_core_get_root_domain","my_site_url");//just removing the effect of BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG on the urls
This will do things like change all the references of sub blog used by buddypress to point to main site not the…[Read more]
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