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  • @mikosoft


    +1 for this… any way for us keen peeps to be the first to know?



    Yes, I’d love to get rid of my current GoogleGroup… what @johngeiser said would be perfect. It’s the only thing preventing us from fully migrating everything over to BP.



    that plugin posted by @mercime works a treat for me (BuddyPress Auto Group Join) and I am on the latest versions of WP and BP



    @Mikey3D another thank you from me :-)



    I am having the same issue… I’m not a super techie so can someone clarify whether there is some way around this now? I am using 1.2.8 and WP 3.1

    Members are able to comment on so-called private forums. They appear in the normal flow of posts, but a further glitch: when you click their name you don’t go to their profile, you get redirected to the site homepage.



    In case anyone else has the same issue, I switched to BuddyPress Private Community pluign and that seems to sort everything out fine.



    +1 from me… I was looking at this plugin but I don’t think it allows replies by email:





    Re: BuddyPress Sidebar
    I can make it display things on blog pages, but how do I make it display things on normal static WP pages? I have checked the Show Component & Action thing in BP Sidebar but that doesn’t seem to help.



    I should say that I have already tried simply replacing wp-login.php for something else – even going so far as to make a special page to sit in the same root as wp-login.php but each time I resulted in an infinite loop which meant you couldn’t see ANY of the site without logging in.



    I don’t want a landing page for visitors, I want normal visitors to see all of the usual pages & posts on the public part of the site. This is happening fine. What I want is for them to arrive on a nice page if they search for something that is on a hidden private part of the site. I am using Private Buddypress to hide members area (private profiles, forums etc) from the main marketing pages of the site ( WP pages and posts). The Private Buddypress plugin annoyingly redirects to the standard WP login screen (as you can see in the code from that plugin posted in my original Q). I do not like this, because it gives no explanantion to the user why they searched for something and arrived at a login screen. This is why I want to redirect to my custom 404 page, which I have modified to say that the item they are looking for is not found, or it is only visible to logged in members. What I want to know is how EXACTLY to modify the above code to get the redirect to point to the 404 page.

    The login screen is not helpful, and in fact it’s offputting/confusing because you have to be a member of our photo club to be allowed into the community – so we don’t accept public registrations. Showing a login screen makes it seem like people should be able to register somehow, when they can’t.



    Never mind, I figured it out. I re-read the intro and it says that the new .po and .mo files should have the format buddypress-mysite.po so I now changed that and placed all 3 files (.po .mo and bp-custom.php) into the root /plugins/ folder and all is working like a charm.

    measure twice, cut once as they say!



    I followed those instructions but it’s not clear to me what to put in the bp-custom.php file. Let’s say I name my translation buddypress2.po (and I have the corresponding Where do I put “buddypress2” in the code:
    `define( ‘BPLANG’, ‘mysite’ );
    if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ ) ) {
    load_textdomain( ‘buddypress’, WP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ );
    Also, am I meant to put buddypres2.po and .mo into the folder /plugins/ or the folder /plugins/buddypress/ ? The article is unclear about that.

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