This is a nice feature that Jive provides… Really helps the mobile users stay active without needing to fire up the browser all the time. Good idea!
I’m not aware of any plugins that provide this functionality.
I would love this, and it’s something I’ve thought of building myself. I’ve been waiting, hoping that the rumored post/comment-by-email core WP plugin would materialize and provide a foundation on which to build the BP functionality.
I’ll poke around to see if I can find a good starting place. If anyone else finds anything, be sure to share.
This would be absolutely fantastic.
+1 for feature / plugin request.
+1 from me… I was looking at this plugin but I don’t think it allows replies by email:
Should be added to roadmap, hopefully. 
For what it is worth, I would love this feature as well. I would like to replace a Listserv-based community discussion with the much more modern and fully featured BP groups. My hope for this plugin would be that sending an e-mail to the appropriate listening address would create a topic based on the message subject and set the topic author based on the From address (associating it with the proper BP user/group member), and replies to that message could become responses within the topic thread. Does that seem possible?
Yes, I’d love to get rid of my current GoogleGroup… what @johngeiser said would be perfect. It’s the only thing preventing us from fully migrating everything over to BP.
Any word or progress on this? This would be extremely useful for me!
any new about this feature?