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  • @monkfish13


    Anyone ?

    I just want the elements in the image to appear in my group forums? There must be a way of doing it ? no ?

    view image




    Thanks for the link – i’ve installed it and it looks great. I’ve got a few question on the functionality , but will ask them at the github support 😀

    Certainly provides some of the functionality I am looking for.




    Thanks for your input – i have done a bit more investigating, but can;t seem to find any information on my question.

    Infact, it appears that all the plugins that were developed for uploading images to buddypress have been pretty dormant for the last 2 years.

    Both BP Album and BP-Gallery don’t appear to have been updated in the past 12 months from what I can see.

    Are these plugins still current and secure to use ?

    It does appear a bit strange to me that this functionality isn’t included with Buddypress, considering that sharing images is such a key part of building a social network.

    Are there any plans to integrate such functionality in the future ?



    I am also looking for a solid gallery plugin for my BP installation and like @q5sys, I’m very hesitant to pay for something that I have no idea if it would work how i want it to.

    I have installed and tried to use BP album, but that plugin seems to be un-supported, or at least out of development as the zip file as created back in September 2011.

    Are either of the projects still supported? and has anyone had any success with them over the past month or so ?



    Thanks Mercime. I am investigating this now.




    I am not an expert by any means, but this sounds like your host can;t be bothered to help you sort out the problem – i would change hosts.

    I have had issues like this in the past with server hosts, and upon threatening to leave, they have helped sort out the issue, which has always been at their end and nothing to do with the software.

    I doubt it would be wordpress or the other software you have installed that is causing the issue…think of the amount of sites that use this software…they aren’t going wrong.

    Do you have access to your WHM or server control panel ?

    If you do, then there is information in there that you can acquire that will help you.

    You should be able to see your servers status – which will tell you about the health of the systems resources.

    You should also be able to access the server process manager – which will indicate what actions are using those resources.

    Note down anything that has high figures and then use that data to approach your host and get them to help you.


    As your service provider, your host should be able figure out what is causing the problems, but I have come across some very awkward hosts in the past when trying to figure out an issue.

    If they are unwilling to help, I would be suspicious of their actions and find a different host, after all you are paying them for the service.



    As BuddyPress is just a plugin that sits on WordPress it shares the same media gallery as that. Now, perhaps you want more functionality than that?

    Unless i am missing something it would appear not to work in that fashion.

    If, as an author, I upload image to a blog post, then go to my buddypress profile page to access my album ( using BP-album plugin ) – the images I upload to the blog post don’t appear in the profile album.

    The same is true vice versa – images uploaded to the BP gallery via a users profile, are saved in a different location, as it asks you to make the folder writable on installation.

    So is there a plugin that correlates the two so they work in unison?



    It was with google chrome, but using the same browser, it worked fine for myself.

    i think it was a browser javascript issue, as i managed to re-create the same issue by turning my javascript off.

    All good now, problem seems to be solved



    Further to the request above, through a process of elimination I have managed this:

    Using the following code from the plugin’s template_tag file thus :

    `//get post permalink which leads to group blog single post page
    function bcg_get_post_permalink($post){
    global $bp;
    return bp_get_group_permalink($bp).$post->post_name;
    function bcg_pagination($q) {

    $posts_per_page = intval(get_query_var(‘posts_per_page’));
    $paged = intval(get_query_var(‘paged’));
    $numposts = $q->found_posts;
    $max_page = $q->max_num_pages;
    if(empty($paged) || $paged == 0) {
    $paged = 1;

    $pag_links = paginate_links( array(
    ‘base’ => add_query_arg( array( ‘paged’ => ‘%#%’, ‘num’ => $posts_per_page ) ),
    ‘format’ => ”,
    ‘total’ => ceil($numposts / $posts_per_page),
    ‘current’ => $paged,
    ‘prev_text’ => ‘?’,
    ‘next_text’ => ‘?’,
    ‘mid_size’ => 1
    echo $pag_links;

    It renders the permalinks like so –

    It appears to be the return function on line 4 that controls the post permalink.

    What do I need to do to this line to make the rendered permalink point to the original post – NOT within a group – like so;

    Any assistance would be very much appriciated.



    I have found what is was thank Hugo, but that has now given me another challenge.

    I am using the ‘Blog Catagories for Groups’ plugin, which provides a blog feed for each group depending on the assigned category(s).

    This plugin works however in a nested fashion – so within the group area on BP ( like the group forums do)

    When clicking on the group Blog button, users see a list of blog posts relative to their group and category.

    If you click on the post permalinks – it displays the post in a nested fashion, still under the group header.

    I would like these title permalinks to take users back to the original blog post rather than a nested version.

    I believe that the code I need to change is this:


    <a href="” rel=”bookmark” title=”


    But what do I need to change it to make it link back to the original blog post?

    So to change this permalink –

    into this

    Any ideas? I am sure it is simple, but I don’t have the knowledge to make it work.

    With thanks



    Thank you @mercime, The second plugin is what I was looking for. Much obliged.



    Thank you @mercime – that explains it.







    what is the name of the plugin that you installed?

    I am trying to replace the WP-comments at the bottom of a post page with the comments from BP’s activity feed.

    Is this what you have done ?

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