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  • @munman


    Hi JJJ,

    After a bunch of troubleshooting on plugins, I found that it was the Events Calendar Pro plugin that had a WP 3.5 issue. So the mystery of no WP Toolbar, and the lack of ability for users to post to Activity, Groups etc is now solved once I disabled the plugin.

    Thank you so much for your patience on this. You are a great resource for WP, BP, and bbPress, and I appreciate what you do!



    So, I’m asking, how all of your members were assigned that role.

    I wish I could remember 🙂
    I thought it was via either BuddyPress, or bbPress at one point in time.

    The roles the site currently has are all of the standard WP roles, and one custom one that I did via add_role.
    I am running bbPress 2.2.3. Shouldn’t I see the Keymaster, Moderator, Participant, etc roles also? I do NOT have Discussion Forums activated in BuddyPress options (I am running bbPress as stand alone).




    Hi JJJ,

    This is my first BP site so please forgive the seemingly ignorant statements and questions 🙂

    I thought that BP created the Member role when it was first installed?
    It is possible that another plugin I use did, but I’m not sure…
    I definitely did not add_role for Member myself…
    So you are saying that BP never created a ‘Member’ role at any time (i.e. it is not a default role for BP)?

    I just tested on the site. In addition to to not being able to see the WP Toolbar, the users with Role = ‘No role for this site’ cannot post activity, etc in BP (as I guessed since they have no Capabilities.



    Hi JJJ,

    That sort of makes sense, but why is it that every upgrade of Buddypress 1.5.X and bbPress 2.X I’ve had until now left the Member role there?

    It’s only this last upgrade from BuddyPress 1.5.7 to 1.6.2 that the role disappeared…

    If what you say is true and I don’t need the Member role, I still have a problem now because every User that was Member role is now assigned to NO role at all.
    I believe that this is causing an issue with displaying the WP Toolbar, which does not show up for any of the ‘No Role’ users. Not having the WP Toolbar with the Buddypress menus is not desirable because the user cannot access the BP menus from the WP Toolbar, as they normally would.
    Also, I haven’t tested yet to see if the ‘No Role’ users can add to BP Activity, Groups, etc. I need to test that.

    So what would you recommend? Me creating a custom role for Member? If so, I would have to have the correct capabilities to make the BP stuff work?

    Thanks for your help on this.



    Hi Paul,

    I did upgrade to WP 3.5 just before the upgrade to BP 1.6.2.

    Doesn’t BuddyPress create the Member role when it first installs?

    What would you do at this point?

    Thanks for your help.



    Hi Paul,

    I did upgrade to WP 3.5 just before the upgrade to BP 1.6.2.

    Doesn’t BuddyPress create the Member role when it first installs?

    Regarding the data in the database – I had thought it would be OK, but wanted to verify.

    I’m just not sure what my next step is going to be. I’ve never seen a user role disappear like that before…



    Hi modemlooper,
    I wasn’t able to get this working.
    “I want to add, I tried to use WP admin menus and programmatically add the nav but the dynamic nature of a logged in user and the menu did not work. Each person who logs in would have a different url and the wp-nav requires a single url to be saved in the database for that tab.”

    Does this mean that your code wasn’t successful for you either?

    P.S. – the problem is that the link to the BP profile is not working…




    Yeah but that won’t work. You can’t use link tags in WP custom menus, and also can’t use php.

    Any other suggestions anyone?




    I’m a bit dense on the coding side…

    What would the code be to exclude a single user by ID?




    3 Great Questions:

    “The other integration point I’d be interested in is a member profile. bbpress has their own profile page but I’d prefer to integrate this into the Buddypress profile. Is this possible?”

    “Does “BuddyPress integration” mean that bbPress now provides an API for buddyPress but buddyPress is not using it yet?”

    “The other integration point I’d be interested in is a member profile. bbpress has their own profile page but I’d prefer to integrate this into the Buddypress profile. Is this possible?”

    I would also like to know the answer to please



    @Boone and @Paul

    “Some point after 1.5, BuddyPress won’t come with bbPress. If you’ll want to use a forum, we’ll invite you to download bbPress (2.0); maybe we’ll even add a link in to make it easy.”

    So based on what you are saying is that there is no reason for me not to move ahead with BP 1.5 and bbpress 2.0? It sounds like the two will be standalone anyway?

    ” I don’t think any work has been done yet regarding creating a forum when a group is created (e.g. create forum when “create group” is clicked)”

    That was the point of integration that I was wondering about – thanks.

    Thanks much for the reply



    Yes, I am having the same issue. I have spent many hours researching this.
    I have gone through extensive troubleshooting in which I disabled all plugins, scratched my database completely of all bb_ and bp_ tables, removed all bb_ and bp_ references in wp_options, reinstalled BuddyPress – and still not working.
    I also reviewed and verified my bp-config and wp-config to verify database, password, db_charset, db_collate settings.
    I have also looked at all of the solutions in the following links:

    I am down to the option of completely starting from scratch and installing a clean install of WP, and BuddyPress. This will take some time…

    I do think it is a bug.

    If you find an solution, please post it. Thanks.



    I am having the same issue.
    I also deactivated all plugins, wiped and reinstalled BuddyPress, and even dropped all bp_ and bb_ tables from the database.
    Still not working. My case is not even a migration of a site to live. This is a site that has only been developed locally on XAMPP.
    BP 1.2.8 and WP 3.1 on XAMPP
    Any one have any solutions for this yet?

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