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  • @navyspitfire


    Ah thanks @danbp. I’ve put a lot of work into this and have done a lot of custom work already using this plugin, I’m just right at the end and can’t figure out this last issue.



    Disregard, the BP email plugin was overriding the template.



    Put it in your functions file. md5($result['user_email']) changes the user_nicename to random digits (I ended up removing the md5()).



    Hi Dan, thank you for your snippet. My issue was that I was trying to hide subscribers, admins, and the current user in the same function; separating subscribers/admins and current user into two different functions did the trick.



    Will do, thanks.



    @sharmavishal – that didn’t work for me. No plugins have worked.

    @Henry- which code specifically? All of my redirect codes?



    Okay thanks, got it to work. This is pretty neat!





    Hmm so I did that and it didn’t work. I copied the .pot file into sublime text and saved it as buddypress-en_US.po, then saved it as then moved both those files into the specified folder on my server.



    Okay @danbp, will do.



    Essentially my issue is I am trying to see a users profile/registration before I activate them because their registration process includes info/files that need to be vetted before activation. Now it appears there’s no way to do that under vanilla buddypress/manage signups menu, but per this thread I can see all that info under the BP registration plugin.

    The issue becomes I need to activate/approve the user twice; once under manage signups, once under BP registration.



    Bump on this, having the same issue. Trying to see registration fields (mainly the gravatar) as well as some xprofile fields (file uploads) before activating them.



    I have a questions pending with them, just curious if anyone here knows.



    Solved. Did several things in code but it seemed like this plugin did the trick.



    Hi, was wondering if anyone had any clue as to what could be my issue, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Edit: following this tutorial I added the wp_mail ( '', 'Mail subject', 'A <strong>HTML</strong> email' ); line but replaced the third parameter with the HTML email code, and it worked; I got an email with my header/footer HTML/styles. So why aren’t my buddypress/WP email being sent with the HTML code/styles that I’ve declared?



    Hi, any idea how I would return the field name/label?



    Thank you. However, this only returns the value. How would I return the field name/label associated with that value?

    Updated block:

    $this->tabs_instance->fields_data[$name] = '<dt class="bp-field-name bp-field-id-' . bp_get_the_profile_field_id() . '">'. bp_get_the_profile_field_name().'</dt>';
    $this->tabs_instance->fields_data[$name] = '<dd class="bp-field-value bp-field-id-' . bp_get_the_profile_field_id() . '">'. xprofile_get_field_data( 'Eye Color', bp_displayed_user_id() ) .'</dd>';



    Thanks for replying; I already have an ongoing issue regarding sending HTML emails from that codex page (my thread here).

    Also that codex page doesn’t really address my issue as a whole; there are a lot of email notifications that are sent out to users and admins, much more than are accessible in the Buddypress Emails admin menu option.



    Figured it out. This snippet of code removes username field and makes the email address the username, and I created a field and used the jquery validation plugin to validate.

    add_action( 'bp_core_validate_user_signup', 'custom_validate_user_signup' );
    function custom_validate_user_signup($result)
      if(!empty($result['user_email']) && empty($result['errors']->errors['user_email']))
        $result['user_name'] = md5($result['user_email']);
        $_POST['signup_username'] = $result['user_name'];
      return $result;



    Well I think the idea for distance searching is to return matches/users that are closer to you.

    But maybe I am confused about what this code actually does… all users have to fill out a zip code, and I have a search members page where I am able to add form fields as search options/filters.

    I am trying to add a search option for distance with values (5 miles, 10 miles, etc…). I guess looking at the code, this wouldn’t do what I’m looking for? If not, any idea how I can get that sort of functionality?

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