10 years, 8 months ago
And … I might add: How do I remove the “HOME” link in Forum? I figured out how to get users to FORUM by default:
define( ‘BP_GROUPS_DEFAULT_EXTENSION’, ‘forum’ );
Hi! Ehhh any functions.php ?? Themes, BP or in a specific folder?
Running WP 3.9.1 and BP 2.0.1
I also want to remove “HOME” in BP So the result should be first MENU Item is “FORUM” then “MEMBERS” “SEND INVITATIONS” and “ADMIN” (for admins only)
As default the menu is : “HOME” then “FORUM” then “MEMBERS” “SEND INVITATIONS” and “ADMIN” (for admins only)
But users that get’s in at the “HOME” level post messages thinking they are posting in the FORUM…? So that is why I want to hide it or take it off!
Hope this solution works – But are unsure where to stick it… 🙂
Best regards