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  • @newpress


    Dont forget to do your home works ie research to select the most suitable system that closely resemble your requirements



    “They said they were
    hoping to show off “that
    wow factor, “WordPress Opensource Wonder”

    this is not spam. This is rather an encrypted message. Buddypress is still stuck in 1,********s. No major release recently. Its 2.0 phobia

    “The audience liked
    their number, which ended
    with all of the guys dancing in trays of water”

    “Sharon liked it. Howie liked it but said it was “one-dimensional.”

    “Howard thought they “did well,” but also said it was “deja vu” – we had seen it all before or we were mesmerized”



    buddypress is extremely limited in extensiblity and thin like a wafer. Just count how many settings it has. There are few other social scripts available. You have to give them a try



    Remove buddypress from plugin folder



    did you try frisco theme?



    I think its because of advanced coding. Thin mobile browsers cannot handle them. Try “colum view” in opera mobile or mini. It works. Also UCWEB’s mobile view is an option. Try other third party browsers based on your phones platform



    Here are the top 3 reasons
    why Buddypress is the best
    solution… 1. A Larger User Base
    2 .A Larger User Base
    3. A Larger User Base

    I say a big “No” to your comment. You have to convince me otherwise. Yes its kind wierd, NO ACTIVITY IS GOING ON at But Com has an ocean of settings and they are porting all elements to drupal 7 and soon there will be a bit polished version. At the moment my servers are moving at the will of the host, so I just peeped to see whats happening here. I am still figuring things out. Lets see how things go.
    I wont be reluctant to abandon it if I find even a single hitch



    Yes, SEO is a proved science, you like it or not. Try to build back links, they are the back bone of SEO



    “Group forums will be scripted to use the Sitewide Forums pretty soon”
    music to my ears!.
    But even then there are few hitchs.

    Can we start sub forums or categories within a group forum?
    what about buddypress group forum specific plugins? Will they become incompatible?



    Any inputs about drupal commons pros and cons?



    My two cents



    Drupal has such module



    I wonder how such a huge blunder passed on for years unnoticed



    There was an update and immediately updated, but the thing that I was looking for wasnt there



    @Roger Coathup said 19 hours, 47 minutes ago: “It appears you are already getting lots of support”

    You still hold the same idea?



    I removed the total WordPress installation and reinstalled it. Installed the plugins buddypress and bbpress freshly out of the rack. forum slugs are as they were and no harm was done but it is not still resolved. Just visit my main URL and see. I think its a bug not on my part



    Yes I headed there too but they had already left the town

    Pagination doesnt work properly (bbpress wordpress plugin)



    With WordPress, buddypress, bbpress, everyday is a new question





    I think this is a serious bug in the plugin that should be immediately addressed.



    Jesus!, glad you did reply here. Thought this would get lost in the rest.

    I tried 2, it didnt work
    I tried 3, it didnt work
    I tried 5, it didnt work
    and also 10, didnt work

    I tried group forums proudly powered by bbpress, it didnt work.
    I tried site wide forums but it also didnt work

    “And what code did you use to set the number?”
    No, I didnt apply any code (mom wish I knew). There is an option to do that in the bbpress’s settings page



    just curious,

    1. how large is your phpBB forum?
    2. where you host it?
    3. what is the hosting package? Price?
    4. how many registered members you have?
    5. how many members are online during any given time?



    Any opinions?



    And why most people that have hung around this site havent visited for years. I am concerned




    1. WordPress latest
    2. Buddypress latest
    3. Frisco theme
    4. Use bbpress 2.0 for group forums
    5. Use “GD bbpress Tools” plugin to have a signature. (its sad that bbpress doesnt have such a basic feature)

    For the second time in my entire life, I had a look at PHP and CSS. I hope I can cope with. Till then which is the “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”?

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