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  • @nickmu


    Hi Nicola, you or anyone wouldn’t happen to have the code to do this…would you?

    Thanks for your help!



    There’s gotta be a way for a user to create his or her own password when registering. I know alot of people that have several specific passwords they use when joining sites. Having buddypress send one to you in the mail makes it more difficult for people to sign in once they’ve joined. I agree that it helps against spammers but I’ve got re-captcha hooked up and its working great!

    Any more suggestions? Does a plugin like Register plus work with buddypress and do this?

    thanks for your help



    thanks for the suggestions Brad. I should probably just work with it the way it is for now and update the page after someone registers to tell give them better instructions on checking their email for the password once they activate their account.





    thanks burtadsit!!!



    so far, it seems we’re the first band to be using BuddyPress.

    Check us out at:

    We’re not using the blog features on it…we’re mainly using it as a way for our fans to connect w/ us and our video posts etc. We just launched it yesterday. come check us out.




    I got my avatar to show up in the single post using <?php bp_post_author_avatar() ?>

    but what code would i need to add to make it click into the authors profile in buddypress?

    Thanks for your help!

    Also, amazing work on buddypress Andy!



    awesome plugin!




    I’ve got a solution!

    go to:

    and download this plugin:

    Download: Current Testing Version: 0.8.2, Released 14/Dec/2008

    activate the plugin and call up the “Email” page on your dashboard

    check: Send all WordPress emails via SMTP.

    bluehost users enter:



    check: Use SSL encryption.

    check: Yes: Use SMTP authentication.

    username: [this is the important part…make sure to enter “noreply” and that you have an email setup up for this on your server]

    password: the password you set up for

    you may be able to change other settings using those lines of the bp_core.php files but at least these emails will come from your domain now! YAY!




    I’m sorry…i’m new to some of the web jargon. I’m a musician. I understand now what you guys mean re: commenting out. I commented those lines out and its still sending all emails from bluehost (not to mention..its taking about an hour to two to receive them.

    I’m sure there is a simple resolution but it seems to be over everyone’s head.

    Chris, what lines did you comment out? I’d really appreciate anyones help.

    I can’t have buddypress sending emails from a bluehost address to people that sign up on my site …not to mention it taking an hour to get their confirmations etc.



    Does commenting out mean to erase the following lines?:

    function bp_core_email_from_name_filter() {

    return get_blog_option( 1, ‘blogname’ );


    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from_name’, ‘bp_core_email_from_name_filter’ );



    hey Chris,

    thats great news…how do you comment the lines out? I don’t understand the instructions.



    has anyone been able to solve this?



    I’m not sure if i replace those lines with my info or just delete them all together. I’ve tried replacing them and it didn’t seem to do anything. I know there are a ton of people on bluehost with this same problem




    I see the reply you are talking about and found the lines in the bp-core.php file but I’m still not sure what to do with it. I’m sorry but could you please me more specific on how I would modify it? I want to have emails sent form “A.i. Music” as “” thanks so much for your help!

    Comment out:

    In: function bp_core_email_from_name_filter()

    line #1150

    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from_name’, ‘bp_core_email_from_name_filter’ )

    And comment out:

    In: function bp_core_email_from_address_filter()

    line #1165

    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from’, ‘bp_core_email_from_address_filter’ )

    Try some test registrations and see if they still say that whacky address.




    I don’t quite understand what your suggesting i do with the bp-core file. what edits are you recommending?

    Thanks for your help



    I’m still not having any luck. Maybe I’m not changing the bp_core files correctly. If I wanted to have the email come from “A.i. Music” and the email “”…how would you recommend inputing this?




    yeah b, but i have to give him credit for originality…its the first avatar i’ve seen showcasing a bow tie so prominently.

    Thanks for the tips…i’m testing now…let you know how it goes



    hi burtadsit,

    I’ve tried editing the php.ini and my notification emails are still sending out as “”. I’ve tried changing my outgoing email in Operational Settings in wordpress’s dashboard to an email that i’ve set up on bluehost but that’s not working either. It appears that a ton of people are having this same problem on bluehost. there’s gotta be a simple answer. could it be the pluggable.php file or some other file in wordpress that I can manually edit? I can’t launch my new site with buddypress until i resolve this.

    thanks in advance for your help!







    hey Chris,

    i just find this article below through bluehost tech support. Now we have to figure out where this code exists in WPMU and/or buddypress.


    Why do e-mails from my webpage come from < username > @ < box# > when I have specified otherwise?


    This is because our servers require you (or your script) to use a properly formatted, valid From: header in your email. If the From: header is not formatted correctly, empty or the email address doesn’t exist on our server, the from address will be changed to <username>@<box#> To stop this, you must change the script you are using to correctly use a valid From header.

    Examples of headers that should work would be:


    From: <>

    From: “name” <>

    Examples of headers that will NOT work:

    From: “”

    From: user @

    Alternative for PHP Users:

    – You can also modify which account should be used when sending out using the mail() function. Inside the local php.ini file, you will find a line of code that looks something like this (around line 601):

    sendmail_from =

    Be sure to uncomment this by deleting the ‘;’ before the directive. Also, the account you use must be a valid created account.



    Hi, I’m having the same problem as well. I get as my address. Is this in buddypress or wpmu? I read somewhere that pluggable.php was a file to change in wpmu but haven’t been able to figure it out. please help!


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