11 years, 2 months ago
Thx, but cannot get it fixed ;( I hope to find somebody that can help us (for a fee)…
Yeah, but I cannot wave a magic stick for it 🙁 Buddypress in standard form looks different, so that would mean getting that css integrated with our site, but if one does not have the skills…what way to go?
? The images are not showing? Buddypress profile; https://www.dropbox.com/s/ymg9o4qd8wb8d9m/Schermafbeelding%202013-10-23%20om%2017.33.06.png
Expound profile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q2301i2cij1oqs6/Schermafbeelding%202013-10-23%20om%2017.33.55.png
What is running (version Buddypres) https://www.dropbox.com/s/3gxvho2c2hfbb93/Schermafbeelding%202013-10-23%20om%2017.36.23.png