NipponMonkey posted a new activity comment 14 years, 6 months ago
When you’re logged out and load a private page, then you’ll get redirected to your landing page. This redirect is can be a little slow, but it’s stopping users from visiting your private page. I can’t do much to speed up a redirect.
If you load your landing page directly or are logged in, then you shouldn’t notice any difference in page load speeds.
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic redirect hell in the group BuddyPress Private Community: 14 years, 6 months ago
Are you running a WP blog from /blog and not your root domain? I’ve only tested it on root domain installations of WP so far… This might help though. Try making a config file like this:
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic php error in the group BuddyPress Private Community: 14 years, 6 months ago
Hmmmm, I’m not sure why that is happening to you. Maybe it is a PHP version problem. I did all of my testing on PHP 5.2.+, as I believe WP and BP will only support PHP 5.2 in the near future: https://wordpress.org/news/2010/07/eol-for-php4-and-mysql4/ But it seems strange that: ` add_action( ‘get_header’, array(‘MM_BUDDYPRESS_PRIVATE_COMMUNITY’,…[Read more]
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic fatal error in the group BuddyPress Private Community: 14 years, 6 months ago
I’m not sure why you’d get that code, but I checked some other forum posts and people have suggested that this message can occur when you get a bad download. Dunno how that could happen, but you might like to try downloading and installing again.
Also, are you using PHP5?
nipponmonkey started the forum topic How do I allow auto registration to my private community? in the group BuddyPress Private Community: 14 years, 6 months ago
See this link for an example of how to allow users to register to your private community, you just need to set-up you ALLOWED URIs correctly:
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic How to make a private community? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 7 months ago
I’ve now added greater support for allowing access to your site. In the array of allowed URIs, you can now use ‘*’ at the end of an allowed URI, e.g. Array(‘/public-blog’, ‘/public-blog/*’) would allow access to ‘/public-blog/post-1’, ‘/public-blog/post-2’, etc… This is useful for allowing greater access to your site while keeping it private,…[Read more]
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic How to make a private community? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 7 months ago
@Gpo1, what happened?
Could you give your feedback in the plugin’s forum:
https://buddypress.org/community/groups/buddypress-private-community/forum/The general response has been good so far, it seems to be working fine for everyone else, so I’d be interested to know what’s going wrong for you.
Did you get an error message?
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic Images and downloads protection in the group BuddyPress Private Community: 14 years, 7 months ago
@Builder, I’m not sure what you mean. Your images on private pages won’t be shown as the the private page will be blocked, so no image will be shown. What the plugin can’t do is stop access to images and files that are accessed directly: http://my-domain.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/image_1.jpg This is because no PHP code is run in this […]
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic How to make a private community? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I’m the person who started this thread about 5 months ago! I’ve been messing around with my own solution for a while now, and I’ve created my first couple of WP/BP plugins recently. In fact, I’ve just released my BuddyPress Private Community Plugin: https://buddypress.org/community/groups/buddypress-private-community/ Somebody has already given…[Read more]
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic How to make a private community? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 9 months ago
@wordpresschina, it’s still working fine for me. I’m using a single WP not WPMU, dunno if that makes a deference or not. You should check your server Error Log to see what is going wrong for you. If I get time a might make a plugin that handles everything… but I’m a bit busy at the […]
nipponmonkey joined the group Group Forum Subscripton for BuddyPress 14 years, 9 months ago
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic Great Plugin! in the group oEmbed for BuddyPress: 14 years, 10 months ago
@r-a-y, I’ve found out what the problem was. I was pasting them in and they were always becoming anchors.
The part where it says: “Make sure that the URL is on its own line and not hyperlinked” was very useful!
Thanks, r-a-y ^_^
nipponmonkey started the forum topic Party Invitations with accept/decline options in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 10 months ago
I need a invitation system where admin can invite members to an event and the members can accept or decline. E.g. to someone’s party. I could just use a Group, but that’s not really good enough. I looked around for some WP and BP plugins but couldn’t find any good ones. I need some thing […]
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic I can’t run .php pages directly in my browser. E.g. domain.com/hello.php returns a BP 404 page not f in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 10 months ago
Thanks @Travel-Junkie, I didn’t realize I could do it that way – I’m new to NextGen. That’s perfect for inserting single images. But, it doesn’t give you the option of inserting whole galleries and slideshows, that’s what the “Add NextGen Gallery” button does, but it won’t load correctly for me. It should allow you to select […]
nipponmonkey started the forum topic I can’t run .php pages directly in my browser. E.g. domain.com/hello.php returns a BP 404 page not f in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 10 months ago
Hi, I’m not sure what is causing this problem, either BP, WP or my web host. Basically, I need to access a .php file in my plugin directly in my browser, but for some reason all .php pages I call directly return the default 404 page not found error for BP. How do I get […]
nipponmonkey posted on the forum topic I can't run .php pages directly. All direct calls to "my-domain.com/hello-world.php" return a BP "40 in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 10 months ago
Actually, here is the reason I need to solve this problem. I’m trying to use NextGEN Gallery, in the whole it’s working fine. But when I want to add a gallery to a post or page using the “Add NextGEN Gallery” button, the tinymce pop-up menu doesn’t load properly – I get the BP 404 […]
nipponmonkey started the forum topic Better BP search options needed! in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 10 months ago
I’m running BP on WP (not the multiuser version) and I find the search options pretty terrible at the moment. For example: 1, The default search form at the top of BP only allows you to search Members, Groups and Forums. So, it’s not possible to search your main blog posts. I think this is […]
nipponmonkey started the forum topic Great Plugin! in the group oEmbed for BuddyPress: 14 years, 10 months ago
Just been testing it and it seems to work great in BP forums, activities etc… Can you get it to work in WP posts too? For some reason media files from youtube aren’t working in my WP posts using the normal WP menus – I’m not sure why that is. But your plugin works perfectly […]
nipponmonkey joined the group oEmbed for BuddyPress 14 years, 10 months ago
nipponmonkey joined the group BP-Gallery Sidebar Widget 14 years, 10 months ago
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