bp-help replied to the topic Activate the community in the forum Installing BuddyPress 9 years, 9 months ago
I hope this doesn’t sound dumb for asking but have you installed WordPress? Reason being is BuddyPress and bbPress are WordPress plugins so having WordPress installed is a prerequisite to using BuddyPress and bbPress. Again sorry if its a dumb question. -
Henry Wright replied to the topic templates to blog and buddypress in the forum Installing BuddyPress 9 years, 9 months ago
Hi @numumar
You’ll need more than two templates. As an overview, you’d have a theme which would consist of a number of templates. Then you’d have your BuddyPress-specific templates.
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@mercime replied to the topic how to create menu to display on home page in the forum Installing BuddyPress 9 years, 10 months ago
@numumar in wp-admin Appearance > Menus, click on the “Screen Options” tab located under the admin toolbar. A panel will drop down. Check “BuddyPress” in the Show on Screen section.
@mercime replied to the topic The theme to buddypress in the forum Installing BuddyPress 9 years, 10 months ago
@numumar Sorry, something may be getting lost in translation. Could you please clarify what you mean?
Active 9 years, 8 months ago