@mercime replied to the topic [Rresolved] Buddypress, S2member registration conflicts in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
@oedipamaas @prolet BP Codex is your friend.
https://codex.buddypress.org/developer/customizing/bp-custom-php/ -
Prolet replied to the topic [Rresolved] Buddypress, S2member registration conflicts in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
@oedipamaas, unfortunately there are many other critical points.I no longer use this plugin, because it’s structure is in conflict with all the world. I can’t use easy other theme than bp theme, all other additional plugins have to be bp related only, not to mention the fear I have to ask questions here. Most of the time all are concentrated to be…[Read more]
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