Suzan Jasmin O. started the topic Avatar and media photos should be required on registration or after registration in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years ago
Hi there
I use the latest WP and BP
I want all users after registering (or while registering on the registration form) to upload avatar photo and to upload minimum 4 rt media photos. And all should be required. Basically if a user becomes member his/her profile should have 1 avatar photo+4 rt media(album)photos on his/her profile page. How can I…[Read more] -
Suzan Jasmin O. started the topic Tab data is different when user logs out ! in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years ago
I use the latest versions of WP and BP.
When user logs in on the tabs age shows as correct (born year 1990 it shows as 24) but when user logs out (also non-members) can view the same page same age data differently as 44 (the default age data of buddypress) instead of 24. Why do you think that happens? Any solutions?
Thanx -
Suzan Jasmin O. started the topic Tabs getting data strangely wrong when user logs out in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years ago
I use the latest versions of WP and BP.
1-On profile page there are About me and Looking for tabs. And I see the same data in both tabs. Looking for has the same info as About me. Basically the name, age, height, weight etc all base info appears in looking for tab too.
1st tab and 2nd tab both shows the same rows same data in normal regular view.…[Read more] -
Suzan Jasmin O. replied to the topic change 'their' to 'his' or 'her' in activity stream in the forum Installing BuddyPress 11 years, 1 month ago
Hi Henry
that code looks great, but I dont need to change the avatar but I just want to put a little icon above avatar next to user name that reflects the user’s gender. So I came up with this idea of code, but it didnt work, could you please have a look why it doesnt work because you re expert coder maybe you can see some silly mistake I did that…[Read more] -
Suzan Jasmin O. replied to the topic Buddypress / WP profile syncing in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 1 month ago
BTW I get 2 different viewings on the same user’s same profile page.OK => http://mysite.com/members/username/profile/edit/group/1/#about-me
NOT OK=> http://mysite.com/members/username/On the second URL I still see the same tabs but one difference: Both tabs show each others total data. I mean About Me tab show its data as well as…[Read more]
Suzan Jasmin O. replied to the topic Buddypress / WP profile syncing in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 1 month ago
Thank you @tolusage, it was very helpful, first I installed “buddypress-xprofile-custom-fields-type.” plugin then “bp-xprofile-wp-user-sync” as you said. Some works now, except the profile page tabs and Signup module. Registration form all ok there are first name and last name boxes there.
1-But on profile page there are about me and…[Read more] -
Suzan Jasmin O. replied to the topic fullname vs username vs first + last name… in the forum Requests & Feedback 11 years, 1 month ago
Hi Philip
Thanx for your reply. Where is your plugin please?
I just need exactly something like this, pls tell me whether your plugin can help me to achieve this, or do I need to modify some files as well, please help I m stuck here, thanx:
On the small signup form and on the registration form I want 2 form boxes, 1. First Name 2. Last name…[Read more]
Active 8 years, 1 month ago