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  • @oscar582234


    Hi Henry
    that code looks great, but I dont need to change the avatar but I just want to put a little icon above avatar next to user name that reflects the user’s gender. So I came up with this idea of code, but it didnt work, could you please have a look why it doesnt work because you re expert coder maybe you can see some silly mistake I did that I cant see:


    if ( bp_get_profile_field_data( ‘field=Gender&user_id=’ . $bp->loggedin_user->id ) == ‘Man’); {
    echo ‘<i class=”icon-male”></i>’;
    else {
    echo ‘<i class=”icon-female”></i>’;



    BTW I get 2 different viewings on the same user’s same profile page.

    OK => 1.
    NOT OK=> 2.

    On the second URL I still see the same tabs but one difference: Both tabs show each others total data. I mean About Me tab show its data as well as Looking For tab’s data. And Looking For tab shows data itself and plus About Me tab’s data. (But age shows ok as 21)
    But on the first URL all looks ok (except the age shows as 44)
    But as you know that URL only for editing, but on member search result and on any other user link WP uses the second URL. So all mixed up. BTW I use the latest versions of those plugins you mentioned above and latest versions of BP and WP.
    Please help



    Thank you @tolusage, it was very helpful, first I installed “buddypress-xprofile-custom-fields-type.” plugin then “bp-xprofile-wp-user-sync” as you said. Some works now, except the profile page tabs and Signup module. Registration form all ok there are first name and last name boxes there.
    1-But on profile page there are about me and Looking for tabs. Ans I see the same data in both tabs. Looking for has the same info as About me. Basically the name, age, height, weight etc all base info appears in looking for tab too except in quotes in Looking for css design.
    2-And signup module doesnt show first and last name boxes
    As you know on signup box there are these element boxes:
    .User name
    .Your full name
    .Your email
    .Desired password
    .Confirm password
    So I want to get rid off that “Your full name” and put “First name” and “Last name” boxes there. So what file do I need to modify? And how, with what coding?
    3-And on admin panel as admin I want to be able to edit user data, at the moment I can edit only the names, email, password. But I want to be able to edit the age, height, weight, country, city thinks like that I have in the main registration form already exist. But on admin panel I cant see them for users to edit. How can I put them in users edit page?
    Could you please help out, thanx @tolusage



    Hi Philip
    Thanx for your reply. Where is your plugin please?
    I just need exactly something like this, pls tell me whether your plugin can help me to achieve this, or do I need to modify some files as well, please help I m stuck here, thanx:
    On the small signup form and on the registration form I want 2 form boxes, 1. First Name 2. Last name instead of Full name.
    And also in admin panel in users page, add new user form needs to be like that too (so admin can create some users with First Names and Last Names too.
    And obviously on frontend profile page there should be First Name and Last name boxes should be seperately. Also on search members page there should be option First Name and Last name (obviously on BuddyPress admin page search form elements to choose to there should be first name and last name). Basically in whole site I need First Name and Last name issues. I use the latest WP and BP.



    I totally agree with @peterverkooijen and @codeispoetry
    Keymaster @johnjamesjacoby (John James Jacoby) is clearly in another world mushrooming, because of his lack of PHP coding knowledge and world culture giving false arguments. BuddyPress developers years ago came up with this stupid ida of one full name and their DB structure is so messy that they cant be now bothered to change it. on DB structure the user name is not in user column, is just a value like any other form input values. So their change the fullname to firstname+lastname will be a BIG development deal, therefore they cant be bothered with it, so left it as it is. And on support forums like this, they keep defending this silliness by fake arguements like “some cultures use 4 names etc !!!” I guess they are talking about Mexican people have 4-5 names. But their lack of world culture makes them think like it. Mexican, Spanish people has 2-3 first name and then 1-2 last names (surnames), or in Europe some women carry their surnames and as well as their husband’s surname too, so they have 1 or 2 first names and 1-2 surnames. Birth given names are called FIRST NAMES anywhere in the world, and family given or marriage given names are LAST NAMES anywhere in the world. So what BuddyPress could do: Could create 2 name boxes and relevant DB structure, one saying first name (people can enter 1 or 2 or 3 names all around the world people know which ones are their first names and which ones are their surnames unlike the Keymaster @johnjamesjacoby John James Jacoby)) and on the second box they can enter their surname or surnames, thats all. So BuddyPress data would be compatible with all newsletter, emailing softwares and people can search first names or last names etc.. can normalize itself to the world web technology. So if some people dont want to display last names they can, if they want to display the whole full name they can, give people felexibility, instead what they do they behave like dictatorian attitude, they say “take it or leave it” arrogantly, and they keep arguing here with all participants who made BuddyPress this popular, although the popularity fastly going down because of this techology lackings. More importantly culture and attitude and support lackings.



    I have the latest Wp and latest BuddyPress 1.9.2
    On the new user registration form it has FULL NAME box
    But I need FIRST NAME and LAST NAME boxes. So I can in admin panel and users on frontend can register new users can fill their names with 2 boxes. And on search page users can search other users by first name or last name. And I can hide last names for some users etc.. Its always convenient to have first and last names in separate DB columns. So please help me out, how can I have the BuddyPress plugged site of mine to function like above?



    I have the latest Wp and latest BuddyPress 1.9.2
    On the new user registration form it has FULL NAME box
    But I need FIRST NAME and LAST NAME boxes. So I can in admin panel and users on frontend can register new users can fill their names with 2 boxes. And on search page users can search other users by first name or last name. And I can hide last names for some users etc.. Its always convenient to have first and last names in separate DB columns. So please help me out, how can I have the BuddyPress plugged site of mine to function like above?



    I have the latest Wp and latest BuddyPress 1.9.2
    On the new user registration form it has FULL NAME box
    But I need FIRST NAME and LAST NAME boxes. So I can in admin panel and users on frontend can register new users can fill their names with 2 boxes. And on search page users can search other users by first name or last name. And I can hide last names for some users etc.. Its always convenient to have first and last names in separate DB columns. So please help me out, how can I have the BuddyPress plugged site of mine to function like above?



    I have the latest Wp and latest BuddyPress 1.9.2
    On the new user registration form it has FULL NAME box
    But I need FIRST NAME and LAST NAME boxes. So I can in admin panel and users on frontend can register new users can fill their names with 2 boxes. And on search page users can search other users by first name or last name. And I can hide last names for some users etc.. Its always convenient to have first and last names in separate DB columns. So please help me out, how can I have the BuddyPress plugged site of mine to function like above?



    Hi truthmedia
    I have the latest Wp and latest BuddyPress 1.9.2
    On the new user registration form it has FULL NAME box
    But I need FIRST NAME and LAST NAME boxes. So I can in admin panel and users on frontend can register new users can fill their names with 2 boxes. And on search page users can search other users by first name or last name. And I can hide last names for some users etc.. Its always convenient to have first and last names in separate DB columns. So please help me out, how can I have the BuddyPress plugged site of mine to function like above?

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