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  • @ovizii


    Hi @boonebgoges and thanks for replying.
    I get what you are saying, its just that I am maintaining this site for a bunch of friends for their forum. basically no other feature of buddypress is used. I try and keep my efforts at a minimmum as its an unpaid favor I am doing them. So for the last few years all I did was keep WP and themes + plugins up to date.

    What I am looking for is the solution with the least effort 🙁

    Still, do you have some pointers where to start? Some links I could read up or tips what to do and check?

    What to do about this budypress message about the outdated template pack? I googled those terms and found some old posts from a few years back, mentioning some BP template pack plugin but that seems outdated information.

    Say I can solve this outdated template pack, can I then keep using the buddypress default theme? I did improve it by adding some css but that is the only change I made to it.



    I just checked the tempalte’s css file and it says:

    * Theme Name: BuddyPress Default
    * Theme URI:
    * Description: [NOTE: except for security issues, BuddyPress Default is no longer being actively maintained by the BuddyPress team.]

    so is there another default theme available?






    is there any documentation which fields get synchronized with which fields? maybe some more fields could be hooked up for synchronization? since you said: `with changes automatically synced back to WP.` I’d like to know what goes where and when :-)

    just curios here.. and thanks for clarifying this for me.



    ok so the Wp one would be the username and the BP one whatever I want? still I think its unnecessary.

    btw. where can I read more about this supposedly synchronization between the WP and BP profiles?
    I mean this is not activated so what gets synchronized and when? `Disable BuddyPress to WordPress profile syncing?:`



    anyone? not even a link for me to read up? is this not documented anywhere?



    given that this guy’s tone was rude: I nevertheless agree. If only the feeds would work :-(



    thx. that helps a lot. not much documentation around your plugin so far :-)
    running a custom theme so will look into building my own templates….



    tried that already, all I see is that some jquery components were loaded from the google repo. no idea which one. But I found the culprit and have mailed the author already he’s gonna have a new version out tonight. took me 30 mins deactivating all plugins then reactivating one-by-one and checking which one was loading what…
    I know that some plugins wrap their calls in html comments but this one didn’t..



    Oh, just hit another wall: it seems I activated some plugin that loads jquery despite it being loaded already but I can’t determine which plugin it is.
    any way to find it without disabling all plugins one by one?



    ok, I heard about that. its just that some plugin authors don’t have a comment form or a contact page.
    I thought there might be a way from stopping those plugins without hacking them but I see the answer is to notify the authors.

    thanks to all of you guys.



    its quite a hassle but I am usually doing that. ’cause some plugins load jquery everywhere, some load it only in certain parts of the website :-( takes a while to find all problematic ones…



    well, my idea was this:

    reading through the forums and the codex I found a couple of settigns that seemingly can be used from wp-config.php BUT I don’t want to clutter it too much.
    Alternatively I can use bp-custom.php or make a small plugin and pop it into mu-plugins.

    here is my collection of lines, please let me know where I can find more (built-into BP as I know plugins also offer several of these). What is recommended for what? I try to use wp-config.php only for WP related stuff, mu-plugins only for stuff that really needs to be running on every page and functions.php for stuff specific for my theme (and in this case the main page)

    `/*add user with ID as group admin, alternatively change to mod*/
    /* disable the admin bar*/
    /*define( ‘BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR’, false);*/

    /*customize all slugs*/
    /*define( ‘BP_ACTIVATION_SLUG’, ‘activate’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG’, ‘activity’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_BLOGS_SLUG’, ‘journals’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_FORUMS_SLUG’, ‘discussions’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_FRIENDS_SLUG’, ‘peeps’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_GROUPS_SLUG’, ‘gatherings’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_MEMBERS_SLUG’, ‘chefs’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_MESSAGES_SLUG’, ‘messages’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_REGISTER_SLUG’, ‘register’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_SEARCH_SLUG’, ‘search’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_SETTINGS_SLUG’, ‘settings’ );*/
    /*define( ‘BP_XPROFILE_SLUG’, ‘info’ );*/

    /*customize more stuff*/
    /*Put profiles in the root �*/
    /*define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES’, true );*/

    (btw. since I have decided upon the final theme to use, I guess I will be going via the functions.php route)

    /*Change the default tab opened when looking at a user’srofile (default is activity):*/
    /*define( ‘BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT’, ‘profile’ );*/
    Also if you want yo ucan give some more information about order of invocation?



    it loads automatically but doesn’t seem to support comments. i.e. this content:

    `/*customize all slugs*/
    /*define( ‘BP_ACTIVATION_SLUG’, ‘activate’ );*/
    define( ‘BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG’, ‘actions’ );
    /*define( ‘BP_BLOGS_SLUG’, ‘journals’ );*/

    will properly apply the uncommented line but simply print out the commented lines. will therefore stick with wp-config.php



    do I have to manually activate it or is buddypress looking for it and loads it by default?
    cause otherwise I’d rather put it into mu-plugins if I need to activate it anyway…



    where would I create bp-custom.php? I want to use that one as I haven’t decided upon a final theme yet so I’d rather go with bp-custom.php



    36 tabs and 6GB of ram but that is not the issue here. I am looking for a convenient way to follow up on my threads and feeds is the only one I found so far…



    sorry guys but I know of no other way to keep updated with my threads here…
    I am waiting for a couple of responses and can’t keep 10 tabs open in my firefox the whole time…

    how do you guys keep informed if there is a new answer to one of your threads?



    how does the synchronization work?
    I’d love to get a plugin to match certai nfields against certain other fields win wp profile and bp profile!



    same question here! just started with BuddyPress and this was one of my first questions.



    sorry for double posting, I am still struggling to figure out the structure of this support forum.

    would you mind pointing out where this bug is mentioned? I’d like to follow its progress.



    I need to continue this discussion as I have a very similar problem:

    I have followed the advice given in the link posted by r-a-y but if I select the activity stream to be the front page I get a permission error? Please see screen shot:

    Using wp 3.0 RC3 and the latest BP version as of right now.



    no, it was a 2.9.1. install upgraded to 3.0 beta1, then beta2 then RC2.
    Its all good now, just trying to figure out where it went wrong…



    I have compared both the test server and the live server configs, disabled mod_security, checked different other settings and found NOTHING until I stumbled upon a pretty hidden error log of this client and there are a couple of different DB errors like [06-Jun-2010 10:46:25] WordPress database error Unknown column 'spam' in 'where clause' for query SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM wp_users WHERE spam = 0 AND deleted = 0 AND user_status = 0 made by require, require_once, do_action, call_user_func_array, bp_core_do_catch_uri, load_template, require_once, bp_get_total_member_count, bp_core_get_total_member_count

    so its definitely a wordpress issue and not a server issue. here is a bigger part of the error log, just in case anyone has some feedback on this:

    gettign weirder and weirder:

    the test site has these fields inside the wp_users table:
    Full Texts ID user_login user_pass user_nicename user_email user_url user_registered user_activation_key user_status display_name spam deleted

    the live site these:
    Full Texts ID user_login user_pass user_nicename user_email user_url user_registered user_activation_key user_status display_name

    After adding the two missing fields: spam and deleted, all is good :-)
    Does anyone know when those fields were supposed to be added? I which WP version? or does BP add them? I’d like to figure out where this went wrong…



    here is a link to a relevant error log: some problems there but unsure how they happened:

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