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  • @p2ab


    Appearance > Customize > Background. I just went to make sure of the path, changed it to be sure and it worked. I’m not sure what was going on, but it is working.

    And I got the border issue working too. I don’t know how I missed this one, probably too tired when I was messing with it.

    But I guess my issue is resolved. Well, these two anyway. 🙂



    Hi mercine,

    Same theme, different issue. I guess technically I’m using the child theme based on the BP default. Firebug pointed me to what seemed the correct area, which mostly worked aside from the issues here. Firebug plus some trial and error got me most of the way. I tried changing the color from Appearances but that has no effect.



    About images…

    I figured it out 🙂



    Thanks, Chouf1. That makes things much easier.

    That will be nice about BP 1.7. I actually found the WP theme easier to figure out in some ways.

    Now to make those changes in my style.css for the colors and see if I can figure out the header



    OK, so I have to import. If I am editing what is in the default.css, do I:
    1 – make a copy of the default.css, edit it and put in the main child theme folder?
    2 – make my edits in the style.css using the sections copied from the default.css and put a link to the default.css?

    For 1 my import would look like this: @import url(“..default.css”); correct?

    For 2 I’m not sure @import url(“..bp_default/_inc/css/default.css”); correct?

    My child theme is going to be in bp-themes/p2ab



    I didn’t add anything like that.

    In fact, looking at my child style.css it doesn’t look like it is being loaded at all. So I did something wrong.

    All that is in there is the theme info (name, URL, etc) and a couple of entries for div#item-header h2 span.highlight span and div.item-list-tabs ul li a span, neither of the colors listed in there are showing up.



    Thanks, bphelp.

    I found the color in the bp-default default.css. I made a copy of the file, edited it, uploaded it to my child theme directory and nothing. I even made directories to make it match the default theme structure and nothing.

    As a test, I renamed the bp-default’s default.css and uploaded my edited version, and that worked. I even tried activating the default theme, renamed the default.css, then switched back my child and I have the original colors back.

    So it seems that it is ignoring my default.css. Should I copy what is in the default css into my child theme’s style.css?

    I’m doing something wrong but I’m not sure what.



    It’s working.
    I used that to guide me in changing the directory name of the test install… it pointed out the issues that can crop up.

    I moved everything to a new directory, well, made a backup and renamed the old directory really.

    I ran searchreplace to update the url/ path and all is good 🙂 Now it runs just fine when you go to the root of the site. Plus by making a backup of the DB and getting the old test to use it I still have a test install to play around with.

    The only hiccup was that I had my posts going to \blog and that was going to be the real directory for the live install… that confused me for a few minutes when everything else worked. Renamed the the physical \blog and all was well.

    I still haven’t figured out why one worked and the other didn’t, but its a moot point now.



    The “live” one was a complete new install.

    I’m not too worried, just puzzled mostly. I found this topic on moving WP so figured I’d use that to move the “test” install to a different directory (don’t want the functioning directory to be “wptest2” lol) and run it off the root when I’m ready … most likely tomorrow.

    If I hadn’t just spent 3 weeks upgrading a half dozen sites and their software for a MySQL upgrade then another week to upgrade the OS I’d puzzle it out. But I’m a little tired of staring at the ‘puter screen for a few hours after I get home from the office and 8-10 hours of staring two computer monitors.



    Drop an anvil on me that says “10 Tons” …

    Somewhere, somehow, in all this I managed to miss the “change your .htaccess idiot!” banner. Well, that isn’t what it really says, but its what it should say for me. I changed .htaccess and voila it works.

    It’s been one of those weeks, let me tell you.



    Thanks, mercime

    I used all defaults, including the theme. The new test is on



    Yes, I went through the installation wizard each of the three times.

    The third time I created a page in WP and made sure it worked. Then I installed BuddyPress. Not only did BuddyPress not auto create the pages but it wiped out the WP page was well.

    If I create a page and preview it, the page looks fine. Once I publish the page it isn’t there.



    I tried creating a new page and manually linking it. It Previews just fine but once published it does not exist, it never gets created.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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